Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mantan Presiden Meninggal Dunia

Gus Dur Meninggal Dunia telah menjadi berita yang patut dipercaya dan juga sebuah berita sedih bagi kita semua. Sholahuddin Wahid atau Gus Sholah menyatakan adiknya, yang juga mantan Presiden Abdul Rahman Wahid atau Gus Dur telah meninggal dunia pukul 18.45 WIB tadi petang, Rabu (30/12).

Kabar itu sampai di telinga Gus Sholah tadi melalui SMS yang disampaikan Sulaiman, asisten pribadi Gus Dur. Hal itu disampaikan Gus Sholah dalam wawancara melalui telepon di stasiun televisi tvone, petang ini.

Maman Imanulhaq, Dewan Suro Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa membenarkan kabar itu dalam wawancara selanjutnya. Dikatakan, Gus Dur meninggal di rumah sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo usai menjalani operasi gigi. Sebelum operasi tersebut, kondisi Abdurrahman sempat membaik. Kyai ini kondisinya makin baik meskipun dia tetap harus cuci darah seperti jadwal rutinnya tiap bulan.

Namun, setelah operasi kondisi kyai asal Jombang ini memburuk. Rabu sore, sebelum Abdurrahman meninggal, Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono sempat menjenguknya.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Persiapan Keamanan di Hari Natal

SMS Natal Lucu yang dapat anda akses di situs yang memuat tentang SMS Natal dan Tahun baru 2010 yang akan segera kita jelang . Besok pagi tanggal 25 Desember 2009 merupakan perayaan Hari Natal yang pertama. Kita bisa melihat serta menganalisa keadaan serta persiapan seputar perayaan hari natal tersebut.

Berkendaraan di jalan raya acapkali membawa korban. Tak dapat dipungkiri, kebanyakan kecelakaan terjadi akibat kelalaian pengendara itu sendiri.

Untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut, Kapolres Karo, AKBP Ig Agung Prasetyoko memberikan tips aman kepada pengendara, khususnya dalam liburan Natal dan Tahun Baru 2010.

“Pertama, Jangan membawa perhiasan berlebihan. Lengkapi identitas diri, baik KTP, SIM maupun STNK. Periksa kondisi kenderaan. Pastikan sudah ready serta gunakan kelengkapan mengendara yang baik dan jangan memaksa mengendara saat mabuk atau ngantuk,” ujar Agung.

Selain itu, pengendara tidak perlu menerima panggilan dan sms saat mengemudi. Budayakan antri apabila jalur macat. “Jangan ugal-ugalan berkenderaan. Hal yang juga penting, parkir kenderaan ditempat yang disediakan dan pastikan dalam kondisi terkunci,” katanya.

Selanjutnya, pengendara harus menaati peraturan, tata tertib dan rambu rambu lalu lintas. Segera melapor bila melihat atau mengalami tindak pidana kejahatan ke pos polisi terdekat.

“Jangan malu bertanya kepada Polisi dan jangan lupa berdoa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa,” pungkasnya

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ramuan Bintang Film Porno Jepang

Dalam Ramuan Bintang Film porno Jepang Rin Sakuragi topless di film suster keramas, yang mana kesintalan serta kebugilan bintang film porno tersebut sangat nampak nyata dan menggairahkan sekali.Bintang film porno asal Jepang, Rin Sakuragi akan tampil di film garapan Maxima 'Suster Keramas'. Di film bergenre horor komedi itu, Rin melakoni adegan syur.

Di trailer film 'Suster Keramas', Rin terlihat tengah menanggalkan pakaian di depan dua pemain pria. "Adegan itu merupakan adegan ketika beberapa anak berimajinasi nakal," ujar Odi Mulya Hidayat, pihak Maxima saat bincang-bincang dengan detikhot di Pasar Festival, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (15/12/2009).

'Suster Keramas' menampilkan kisah wisatawan asal Jepang yang mencari saudaranya di Indonesia. Hingga akhirnya, ia mengetahui saudaranya yang berprofesi sebagai suster itu telah meninggal.

'Suster Keramas' merupakan film garapan sutradara Helfi Kardit. Selain Rin, film tersebut juga dibintangi Yadi Sembako, Zidney Adam dan Alex Abad.

Di negeri asalnya, Rin Sakuragi adalah salah satu bintang porno yang lebih nge-top ketimbang Miyabi. Bahkan artis yang sudah merilis lebih dari 20 film porno itu sempat menduduki peringkat dua chart Japanese AV.

Penasaran? 'Suster Keramas' akan rilis pada 31 Desember mendatang

Monday, December 14, 2009

Imagine How She Will Reward You When You Surprise Her With Flowers!

Ramalan Cinta Zodiak Bintang is a part of horoskop.Every Girl, Women, Female... Be It Mother, Daughter, Grandmother, Aunt, Best Friend, Girl Friend or Wife ( the only exception being those who are allergic... and for them there is always gift baskets, balloons and cookie bouquets or antihistamine!) So when it comes to gifts, special, occasions, valentines day and surprises You Can Not Go Wrong With Flowers!

When In Doubt Keep It Simple

If you do not know what your doing with flowers, especially when choosing them for someone else, then keep it simple, to much color, or crazy flower varieties may detract from what could have been a beautiful gift! A Rose is always a classic, particularly red, a bunch is good, but never under estimate the power of a single red rose.

Don't Be Afraid to Seek Professional Assistance

When it comes to Flowers, a Florist can be your secret weapon in finding a gift. You can find out about popular arraignments, flowers that are in season, fashionable colors and varieties... remember they play with flowers all day, so they know about these things.

Secret Weapon Number Two: The Best Friend

If Anyone is going to be an authority on gift giving and lies and dislikes, it is a girl or womens best friend. Not only have they probably heard about all the best and worst presents presented to that special lady in the past... they also have a bearing of what the perfect gift is. And Do not think flowers are just for special occasions, the best flowers I have ever received have been from a friend, out of the blue, just a simple bunch of white daisy's, and I loved them!

Be Confident

In choosing and giving a gift you need to be confident, often the best thing about flowers is that they came from you, that you choose them, and went to the time of writing a note or card to go along with them.

Say It With Pizazz

Send a gift card, You can ask you florist if you are stuck for ideas, Florist Talk is a specialty at most florists, as they are frequently dealing with those in need of some note writing inspiration. Better yet just use a memory, a thank you, a private joke, or loving words. Florists make it even easier, as the best online shops will let you fill out a gift card message online, and the flowers can be delivered, with the message written on a beautiful card.

So Go Ahead And Get To Your Nearest Florist... Or Better Yet, Just Use Your Mouse And Find The Perfect Flowers, And Have Them Delivered To That Special Someone, Wherever They May Be In The World!

Check out Some Great Florists Online And Find The Perfect Gift! Best thing is You Can See A Photo and Check Out Exactly What You Are Getting For Your Money!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Apa Itu Kubah Kiamat

Kubah Kiamat Doomsday Vault Kutub Utara Norwegia, yang telah dibangun di wilayah pegunungan yang berada di Kutub Utar tersebut, sebenarnya berfungsi untuk apa. jika berfungsi untuk melindungi dari Hari kiamat, sungguh merupakan tindakan dari orang yang sangat tak punya logika dan bodoh. Tak ada yang bisa selamat dari ketentuan Illahi, yang telah menggariaskan kehancuran serta kebinasaan bagi setiap makhluk-Nya.

Sebuah bangunan sangat kuat yang dibangun di Kutub Utara untuk menyimpan biji-bijian dari seluruh dunia resmi difungsikan. Fasilitas yang disebut sebagai Kubah Kiamat (Doomsday Vault) ini dibuat di dalam sebuah gunung beku di Kepulauan Svalbard, Norwegia, 1100 kilometer dari kutub utara.

Disebut kubah kiamat karena pembangunannya dimaksudkan untuk melindungi plasma nutfah. Jika terjadi bencana alam yang sangat besar hingga memusanhkan sumber pangan, biji-bijina tersebut diharapkan menjadi penyelamat manusia dari kelaparan.

"Svalbard Global Seed Vault merupakan kebijakan penyelamatan kami. Ini adalah 'Bahtera Nuh' untuk melindungi keragaman biologi generasi masa depan," ujar Perdana Menteri Norwegia Jens Stoltenberg, dalam upacara pembukaan, Selasa (26/2). Pembukaan fasilitas ini juga dihadiri Presiden Komisi Eropa, Jose Manual Barroso, dan penerima Nobel Perdamaian 2004, Wangari Maathai, dari Kenya.

Kubah yang berada di dalam perut gunung sedalam 127,5 meter tersebut akan menyimpan cadangan bibit dari ratusan bank benih dari seluruh dunia. Ruangan di dalamnya dapat memuat 4,5 juta sampel benih.

Kubah Kiamat dibangun atas prakarsa Global Crop Diversity Trust, lembaga yang didanai badan PBB untuk urusan pangan atau FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), dan Biodiversity Internasional yang berbasis di Roma, Italia. Bangunan tersebut dibuat selama satu tahun dengan biaya pembangunan mencapai 9,1 juta dollar AS.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Lifestyle Affects Cancer Risks

During February 2009, results of a joint American-British study concluded that 1/3 of most common cancer cases in the U.S. to be preventable by making healthy choices. Next to avoiding smoking, a healthy lifestyle is the most effective thing you can do to prevent cancer.

Dr. Tim Byers of the University of Colorado at Denver, stated that even though estimating cancer preventability is very complex and involves making some assumptions, the figures in the report are as good an estimate as possible about the number of cases that could be prevented through healthy diet, regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight.

At the AICR (American Institute for Cancer Research) Conference 2008, 400 people attended and participated in prevention topics such as: potential risks and benefits of specific dietary supplements, how changing eating and physical activity may affect cancer survivorship and effective ways to get people to adopt healthy behaviors and stick to them. Certain nutrients found in food that can change how a person’s genes function to influence cancer risk were also discussed.

The AICR urges people to eat a healthy diet that includes a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans. Here, you will also get your nutrients, fiber and cancer fighting phytochemicals.

The cancer preventing benefits found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and bok choy have been well known. Allium vegetables like onion, garlic, shallots, scallions and chives contain sulphur compounds called organosulfides which are touted for providing heart health, stimulating immunity, warding off infection and deactivating carcinogens. According to research, this compound also seems to help prevent cells from mutating and tumors from forming. In general, the foods of the Allium family decrease inflammation and protect against stomach and colorectal cancers.

Robert S. Chapkin, Ph.D., presented the conference data describing how omega-3 fatty acids may prevent colon tumors. At first, the omega-3 fatty acids in fish were linked with lower risk of heart disease. Now, research at the cellular level is beginning to reveal a possible link with lower risk of cancer. Sources of omega-3 fatty acids include: oily fish such as salmon and tuna, flax seed/oil and walnuts which contain ALA-alpha-linolenic acid which slows the growth of breast cancer cells.

Dr. Zeke Emanuel, an oncologist and director of bioethics at the National Institutes of Health emphasized the need for people to keep their weight in a healthy range. Besides eating a nutritious diet, people need to include 30 minutes of exercise into their days, at least four days every week. Exercise plays a multiple role in human health, benefiting the circulatory system, muscular/skeletal system and increases the effectiveness of our immunity system to fend off beginning cancer cell growth and foreign invaders like bacteria and virus’.

Some of the recommendations for policy improvements to government, industry, media, schools, workplaces and humanity are:

•Governments should build walking and cycling routes.
•The food and drinks industry should make public health an “explicit priority.”
•Schools should encourage exercise and provide healthy food.
•Schools, workplaces and institutions should remove junk food from vending machines.
•Health professionals should provide more information about healthy living and cancer prevention.
•People should use nutrition guides and food labels to buy healthier food for their families.

AICR Recommendations for Cancer Prevention include:

•Be as lean as possible without becoming underweight.
•Be physically active for at least 30 minutes every day.
•Avoid sugary drinks. Limit consumption of energy dense foods (particularly processed foods high in added sugar or low in fiber, or high in fat).
•Eat more of a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes such as beans.
•Limit consumption of red meats (such as beef, pork and lamb) and avoid processed meats.
•If consumed at all, limit alcoholic drinks to 2 for men and 1 for women a day.
•Limit consumption of salty foods and foods processed with salt (sodium).
•Don’t use supplements to protect against cancer.

Special Population Recommendations
•It is best for mothers to breastfeed exclusively for up to 6 months and then add other liquids and foods.
•After treatment, cancer survivors should follow the recommendations for cancer prevention.

And always remember

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Fishing For Carp and Catfish And The Truth About Big Fish Catches!

The arguments roll on about the importation of carp and catfish of any size, whether legally certified or not, and the pressure to provide big fish for carp anglers willing to pay exorbitant sums is a growing phenomenon of the modern carp fishing scene. But they belittle the catches of extremely hard-earned smaller fish of both today and in the past! Read on to find out why this subject is so explosive and its big implications for you!

The growth rates and sizes of carp and catfish in the UK and in other countries has sky-rocketed in response to many multiple factors. In the 1970’s and early 1980’s the average UK carp angler would very often have been ecstatic to catch 20 twenty pound carp in a year or even just 5! By utter contrast the new instant carp anglers of today can immediately fish waters where this can easily be achieved in a week. But the small average carp sizes caught by the very top anglers of the past is due to the fact that big fish well over twenty pounds were exceptionally rare fish in the UK. This is why someone who has been carp fishing for over thirty years now with multiple UK personal best fish over 45 pounds from the last 10 years would have had what was considered an exceptional personal best of 35 pounds during the Eighties. But now a fish of 35 pounds is a relatively small fish in quite a few UK carp waters today. This is quite a paradigm shift for the much more experienced carp anglers around I can tell you!

So you can see that historically speaking, big fish waters in the UK were few and anyway the carp in them mostly did not exceed the low thirty pounds in weight. Very often the best waters in an entire county would only have 2 upper thirties in them - if that so you can see just what an achievement catching a thirty pound fish really was going back to the early Nineties and going back before that. At most the average UK carp water held a few twenties at best and only the odd far rarer big thirty, although this varied between regions in the UK to places where it was a real result just to find a water containing a few twenties let alone thirties!

By the time of the late Seventies and very early Eighties the vast majority of the twenty pound carp in the UK were estimated to be found in North Kent waters and Darenth was a magnet for thousands of anglers who wanted their first twenty! The Tip Lake even managed a couple of decent fish around 35 pounds but remember this was the absolute pinnacle of carp fishing possible to 95 percent of carp anglers in the whole country at the time! In fact during this period most average carp anglers never even saw a thirty pound carp or even visited a carp holding more than 2 or three thirty pound fish, let alone caught one!

During the Seventies and very early Eighties it was exceptionally rare to meet a carp angler who had landed a thirty pound carp because such fish were just so rare; I only ever met one and he really did have that strange look in his eye and have been through hell and back as the fantastic atmospheric carp author Dennis Watkins-Pitchford (BB) would say! (Confessions of a carp fisher has been my favourite carp book for decades aside from Cypry the carp by Peter Mohan and I guess these matched the time I began carp fishing when fishing felt very much the same as in the books as opposed to the rammed bivvy city circuses of today!)

On one syndicate water I fished it took me 8 years of very regular fishing every week to catch my first thirties from there. This was simply because they did not grow to that weight until they had been in the lake for 8 to 10 years. This scenario has been echoed in so many waters around the UK and even the legendary Darenth complex only held one upper thirty by that time. But now all around the UK, those twenties from 20 years ago are now in big thirty and very many are now in the forty pound bracket or bigger still! Beginners today know no different and these sizes are now taken for granted!

Note that the majority of truly English big fish of today now average 25 to 30 years of age or much more and going back to the real winters we used to have, we would even take a photo of a 6 pound carp in January because that is how rare and prized they could be at that time! It really does blow my mind that last week I did just a day session and in 7 hours managed 30 doubles to over 20 pounds; just how much do you truly appreciate, treasure and actually remember each individual fish in that lot?!

In fact my results began at zero twenties from Shotgate reservoir in Essex in a season circa 1982 and 1983. This was because during that season the biggest fish in that syndicate water was just 19 pounds and the average fish was a low double; for a bigger fish you had to fish Darenth or perhaps hope you hit the single thirty rumoured to exist in a local park lake.

But just look at how drastically catches have changed! By complete contrast, during my last ever session on the reservoir around 1991, over 5 days and 4 nights I banked an incredible 20 fish averaging 19.12 pounds, including the biggest in the lake at 35 pounds.

Of course this all sounds crazy to new carp anglers today. A complete beginner can go to any of the new brand of commercial instant carp angler fisheries, armed with ready made baits and all the fancy over-priced rods, reels, bivvies and alarms etc. Now beginners can hook thirties, forties (and even fifties and above) on their first ever cast; so you can appreciate why such catches are pretty meaningless now compared to the past! Such fisheries really were not a part of the carp fishing scene 30 years ago when I really started after bigger carp, but all this just demonstrates how meaningless setting targets based on weights alone (like a certain Mr Maddocks did) are utterly meaningless today. This weights and goals thing is to my mind complete BS and what genuinely matters (and lasts) is how you catch your fish, how much of yourself you put into it and what every single individual carp caught truly means to you individually!

I remember taking a walk around a well-known commercially-oriented fishing water at a complex in Sussex; you know the kind – take their money and ram them into as many swims as possible even if it means completely stressing the fish out and meaning crossed lines of other anglers on takes because they are only fishing yards away from competing anglers lines! (Knit one pearl one as they say; this is knitting rather than carp fishing!)

This is the typical kind of water where loads of so-called noddies or not really committed occasional carp anglers are in abundance and long may they stay there! I have tried to help new anglers and less experienced anglers wherever possible to deeper their appreciation of their fish and their fishing environment because so many seem to take the gift and great privilege of carp fishing today we have today so much for granted and too often see fish as trophies and objects not even as living creatures with individual consciousness and unique histories and development that have carved out their own unique place within their environment.

Far too many carp anglers especially those of the instant must-have mentality kind, seem to read the carp magazines (with very biased advertorials) and end up becoming like members of a tribe or part of a herd of fishing clones! They unfortunately follow all the fashions and copy everyone else without a hope of breaking free of the bullshit and ever seeing the bigger picture thinking this will bring them the real joy and inner satisfaction and are like hamsters in a wheel; never seeing the cage from outside in. One example is if you put a tonne of over-priced commercial crap bait into a water (via the majority of copycats using it) then the majority will catch on it in the short term as it becomes the most abundance food source for the carp for a while.

Relatively few guys get it that that you will catch 5 to 10 times or more big fish than average copycat anglers do if a unique well very well designed bait is applied; but the truth is it takes time and very hard work! Apart from pure natural talent there great secret of success of football and basketball stars, pop stars and martial artists like Bruce Lee and other athletes, is that they practiced literally for hours every single day just to maintain their form let alone improve it to get to the top and stay there for a while - and the same goes in so many cases for countless well-known anglers who in reality are more or less full-time anglers!

When I think about it now, when I fished the Big Grange years ago, I barely remember a guy by the name of Danny Fairbrass; success takes time! I rate very many high profile anglers because they have obviously done the work, paid the personal price in hundreds of thousands of hours on the bank and they earn the results they get. It is not easy either when jealously in carp fishing is now so pitifully rife! Of course some better known anglers think they can treat lesser known anglers like a lower form of life and even stitch up lakes big-time which is very considerate, but that is the face of carp fishing today where uncompromising commercial pressure for market share can lead to extreme behaviour.

So back to those magazines and advertorials! The motto of the International Academy of Consciousness is; do not believe anything you hear. Question everything for yourself so you do not live in a fake world where deceptive appearances warp the true reality of so many things! Great anglers do the work themselves in the main but too many carp anglers have the impression they can achieve the same results without the work and without being more or less full-time anglers with all the development and refinement advantages over competing anglers that this tiny advantage brings! I get emails all the time from ordinary carp anglers who want help with bait advice who are struggling and using popular readymade baits that are producing so many big fish for those big names!

But please appreciate that if these anglers took their eyes off those big expectations that the adverts and catch reports build-up, and took the time and effort to understand carp senses, metabolism, behaviours and digestion etc first, and exactly how bait substances really do their work second, they would be in a hugely powerful position. With this knowledge they would be able to test out and discern all the very best readymade and homemade baits they wish for the rest of their lives - instead of changing bait companies and brands etc like headless chickens with wildly varying levels of confidence!

Of course what are the big companies trying to do but groom as many carp anglers as buyers as life-long customers with strong as possible brand loyalty where often it does not matter what the product does not matter so much as the price tag that can be flaunted to all on the bank! It reminds me of Cliff Fox (boss of Fox International) fishing Shotgate while I fished there, with all his gadgets and new gear. He really understood what he was doing and how to leverage to the maximum his newly improved gear and baits and he really knew how they worked by design too! (Note; he was the first person to bring out a commercial bait dropper in the Sixties so again, success at international level was far from instant!)

Unfortunately for so many newer carp anglers, they generally forget the one thing that matters to avoid being an average angler for life - i.e. being different and thinking for themselves. This actually means thinking like a carp having actually studied them and all that impacts upon their environment, all related ecosystems, reasons for modes of carp feeding and changing carp behaviours and adaptations to threats and opportunities presented by anglers. (I.e. generally thinking for yourself scientifically.) The measured scientific approach is the one single breakthrough that turned carp from being mythical monsters into the sport fish millions of carp anglers fish for today in the UK and around the world all year round!

So back to the commercial complex of lakes in Sussex where too many noddies rammed the banks for their own good! I met a rank beginner who had set up in the morning and landed 2 thirties and 3 good twenties by late afternoon. Comparatively speaking this is probably about as meaningless as 12 year old kids banking forties on Darenth! (Where on earth do you go from there for the rest of your carp fishing career?) Talk to Damian Clarke who says he probably caught his outstanding catch of the difficult Snake Pit common too early in his carp fishing career which maybe was actually detrimental in some ways.

I thank God I have caught all my fish in progressive steps right from the singles, doubles, twenties, thirties, forties and fifties pluses, and did not hook a fifty on my very first cast! I chose to fish what was regarded as the harder water on a Sussex complex and in about 15 sessions came away with 15 forties and a huge amount of jealously and resentment from other anglers. This was mainly because they thought I was some kind of noddy beginner or occasional carp angler like them and thought these catches made them look stupid. But then the definition of average anglers is that they think and therefore do what the average think and do; what you think manifests as what you do after all! (What is wrong with telling the truth?)

What these tiny-minded detractors and ignorant jealous haters did not realise was that I was no rank beginner. I had previously paid for my success having fished for 10 years on a very similar water against some extremely good anglers and was a very tough experience. That earlier water was extremely hard by comparison to the Sussex one and I only landed 2 forties and something like 30 thirties in 10 years of very consistent regular fishing throughout each year I fished it including right through winters! Consequently catching 3 forties in just 4 days with another lost at the net was easy at the Sussex water and that was the truth!

Although I can complain about the huge numbers foreign fish now present in UK fisheries, imports have allowed far more anglers access to big fish without having to fish for over thirty years as I have. But it does totally belittle catches of smaller fish which may in the past have been some of the mostly highly regarded, most significant and difficult fish to catch in the countries best known carp waters from the past! In fact they also make past achievements that rank very highly in the memory look stupid if you only focus on fish weights. I vividly remember the season I first caught 2 English thirties in a season. Buy comparison I’m not so sure of the year I first caught over ten thirties from a commercial fishery because these catches were so easy compared to proper English fish captures!

Frankly the 20 forties I have banked to date from UK commercial waters do not compare at all with the achievement of my first few thirty pound fish. This is because of how many years the thirties took to grow in a water where I caught them at double figures and twenties first before catching them at over thirty pounds. This is despite the captures of some of my forties that were the result of some of the most intelligent fishing and bait designing I have ever done! Probably one of the biggest most dangerous problems of imported foreign fish is the mixing of slightly differently adapted carp immune systems and carp bloodlines etc, naturally developed in response to various conditions, diseases and parasites etc. We all know about the koi herpes virus and spring veremia; which have tragically killed many carp, both imported and more recently indigenous to UK lakes.

Much comes down to your personal reference points and opinions in regards to when exactly does a carp count as an English carp. Perhaps if a carp is imported as a fingerling (as were many of the countries biggest carp,) or maybe when their progeny reach adulthood perhaps then you might think these qualify as English? As we have no indigenous carp at all as they all have been imported right from Roman and medieval times and so on there are no true English carp just as there are no true English rabbits!

Maybe you think the only true English carp might be considered to be the original wild carp. The irony is that these are notoriously slow-growing and very low in weight compared to other strains and to catch even a double-figure truly wild carp would be a fantastic feat – if you could actually find any and verify they are pure-strain that is! Certainly the appearance, abnormal growth rate, less than classical lines and prematurely short lived Mark Symmonds type of fish do not seem to be favourites among any carp anglers I have ever spoken to on this subject.

Personally I would much rather fish for carp that will potentially live to over 50 years and more but maybe only reach thirty pounds maximum in thirty years. I would far rather know that stocked fish will probably still be swimming around in a water for the next 50 plus years and earn their true place as part of English ecosystems than ugly artificial monstrosities that remind you how fake they are each time you land one. Ugly big fish are not required thank you very much! Ironically enough, although certain of our prized big fish in English carp fishing were originally imported, at least they are now old fish and have a pedigree involving a long history of being caught over many years and quite some decades in some cases.

Probably the hottest potato as it were is whether any angler would care anyway if any of our biggest so-called English fish were actually proven in the light of day to be not quite as truly English as they might have been presented. Would new evidence prevent anglers actually fishing for them because the desire to catch the biggest fish is so crazy in many anglers I doubt it very much anyway! Well, the controversy, arguments, doubts and questions continue on, but inspected legal foreign carp are in the modern carp fishing system and here to stay today - as much as in the last 30 plus years! Very few anglers realise how much corruption of fisheries and carp blood lines could have taken place over the decades due to the illegal importation of foreign fish. It is certainly a possibility that in some more questionable cases, just a few of the big carp most of us know of by name are not necessarily fully English (if you get the drift!)

The amount of big fish over the years that have suddenly appeared in waters and been recognised as coming from other waters is evidence of movement but what about all those smaller fish that are perhaps less distinctive and identifiable? It is such a shame that fish are actually being security tagged these days – who the hell wants to catch a chipped fish; just how screwed-up and unnatural is that?!

When a water has some history as a big fish you can have so much more certainty as to whether a fish has been there since birth or as a fingerling or not. As an aside, how Withy Pool ended up with the UK catfish record is worth asking, because it was not exactly the most prominent catfish water in the country during the preceeding decades unlike the long-established catfish waters not a million miles away from it. But whether a fish is from the River Po or an estate lake or not it is still very much part of our our heritage to know every single bit of history of any of our record fish right from birth and if possible view details of records of captures of these big fish when young!

It is a fact that even clean certificated foreign fish (as well as English fish) can still pass certification but carry unknown factors which can kill our indigenous fish because the scientists do not know everything about them yet in order to identify them! Considering it can take a carp over 30 years to realise its potential as a sport fish and such a fish can be lost in an instant, importation whether legal or not is something every carp angler has great reason to be concerned about, but the same applies to risks involved even in moving fish from one English lake right next door to another!

But having said that, carp are an incredibly adaptive species and fish wipe-outs frequently leave individual fish which are naturally far more immune to various threats. often seemingly minor genetic changes and mutations that turn out to be highly beneficial occur in humans and carp all the time; after all what are koi carp, ghost carp, goldfish and king carp like the mirror, and leather carp etc after all, but natural and artificially induced mutants! Like I say – it makes you think! For further details on carp bait making and big fish bait applications to gain competitive edges over your fellow anglers, see my unique carp and catfish bait secrets ebook at Baitbigfish!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Who is using Golf Hypnosis for Golf Improvement - apart from Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods Christmas Picture. So who’s using hypnosis to improve their golf performance – apart from Tiger Woods and maybe Phil Mickelson? Well, taking first things first, it’s difficult to be sure who’s using hypnosis because most people who do don’t want to let on. Why’s that? Well firstly, they want to keep the competitive edge that golf hypnosis gives them to themselves. Secondly, although it’s becoming acceptable for a top golfer to admit to using a mind coach, their marketing people are still wary of saying they use golf psychology or, worse still, hypnosis – that’s all to “new age.” You only have to look at the comments of Angel Cabrera, a real man’s man, after he won the Masters, “Now I don’t have a sports psychologist and I don’t smoke.”

If a golfer won’t tell you he’s using hypnosis, then what are the signs to look for to know he or she is? Well let’s take Tiger Woods as our first example. I’ve not heard him say that he uses hypnosis or read anything that confirms that he’s admitted it. However, just watch the controlled and methodical series of blinks he makes just before stepping into every shot. If that’s not a hypnotic trigger or anchor, I had better hand back my Hypnotherapy Diploma and my NLP certificates. It’s clear to me that he’s using that trigger to enter self hypnosis once he’s decided on the shot he’s going to make. The self-hypnosis quiets his conscious self-talk and leave his unconscious golf programming to execute the shot.

Now Tiger must have learned this from Jay Brunza, his mind coach from the age of 13. From what I’ve read, Dr Brunza followed up his Ph.D. in Psychology with a long career as a psychologist with the US Navy including a period as a combat stress psychologist, before working as a sports psychologist. This brief extract from Golf Digest, in December 2002, appears to confirm Tiger’s training included hypnosis

"Woods' ability to produce peak performance by 'willing myself into the zone' is unprecedented. And at age 13, Tiger began mental training with Dr. Jay Brunza, a family friend and psychologist. Among the techniques Brunza used were subliminal tapes and hypnosis. 'The first time Jay hypnotized Tiger, he had him stick his arm straight out and told him that it couldn't be moved, 'Earl [Tiger's father] says. 'I tried, but I couldn't pull it down. [Tiger says hypnosis is] 'inherent in what I do now.'"

Thinking about all this, I just wish a few other top golfers would admit to using hypnosis for golf improvement then I wouldn’t have to keep talking about Tiger Woods.

Come on Phil Mickelson, it’s obvious you’re using self-hypnosis; you couldn’t just keep smiling through adversity like that without hypnosis, now could you. Why not sit down, relax a bit more and tell us all about it. Now!