Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Actress Shannon Elizabeth

What does actress Shannon Elizabeth, animals, and Christine Santos have in common?, They are all angels sent to us by some high power. Animal Avengers began rescuing and helping the cute critters of the world about 2 1/2 years ago and have three branches, all on the west coast in the gorgeous San Fernando Valley, LA, and South Bay. I sat down (ok, we sent e-mails back and forth) with Ms.

Christine Santos recently and she gave me so much great information that I wish I had more room for a longer story, but maybe next issue. Animal Avengers began when actress Shannon Elizabeth and her husband helped a poor sick dog, but knew that they wanted to do more and as they say, the rest is history!

Christine Santos is the South Bay Coordinator for Animal Avengers, a team leader, kennel coordinator, and the person who oversees the medical/health issues for the kennel dogs. (Who can say holy cow and when are you getting a medal of honor?) One of Christine’s favorite times working with Animal Avengers is when they participate in massive adoption days at large venues and people come from everywhere to welcome fur-faced creatures into their lives, homes, and hearts.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Backward calculation SEA Games

Four artists from Jakarta will enliven the launch clock timer calculation XXVI SEA Games in Palembang, 11 November 2010, said committee chairman Zainal Dhenie in Palembang, on Friday.

He mentioned, it is the fourth artist Uut Permata Sari, Ira Swara, Silvia KDI and Sarah Idol.

"In accordance with the plan, the launching event will be held for public entertainment events. The committee will bring in some artists of the capital, one of which Uut Permata Sari," said Vice Chairman II KONI this South Sumatra.

He continued, the committee will bring in the artist's original music dangdut Dewi Persik, but canceled due to non-technical issues.

"There was a unilateral cancellation, so we bring in the capital of another artist. Although, without the presence of Goddess Perssik, confirmed the event will still take place won," he said.

He explained that the event will be held at the Great Plaza Kuto Kilkenny Castle from 19.30 pm.

"Installation at the SEA Games will be launched promptly at 00:00 (11/11, ed). The plan will be attended also Menpora Andi Malarangeng and Chairman Rita KOI Soebowo," he said.

He added, in addition to holding musical entertainment events, executive committee will hold events Amateur and Professional Boxing Ring cooperate with TVRI.

"The event will bring into five parties boxing consists of three national parties and two parties from Pengprov amateur Pertina South Sumatra," he said.

Meanwhile, digital clock countdown timer SEA Games will be installed at the base of the bridge heading toward the Jakabaring Sports Complex.

"What time will replace the large flat screen television that is on the left base of the bridge. The plan digital clock that will be booked directly by the factory at the famous Swiss Omega," he said.

He added, along with the launching at the SEA Games, the website will also be introduced to the SEA Games with names www.infosegames.sumsel.com.

Denie explains, the site will provide various information related to preparation for the SEA Games, especially in South Sumatra.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Les modèles brésiliens Porter BH

Avez-vous jamais imaginer BH RP17 dollars, 8 milliards? Vous aurez certainement secouant la marque ne crois pas s'il ya un couvercle seins si cher.

"Si ce soutien-gorge de sa bien chère, comment son contenu,« c'était peut-être une réponse plaisanterie qui sort des hommes.

Quel croyez-le ou non, mais c'est un fait. Secret Vicotia, fabricant de vêtements pour femmes en Amérique, s'apprêteraient à mettre en valeur ses produits de luxe Bra pour 2 millions $ US ou l'équivalent de RP17, 8 milliards.

Les femmes semblent porter un soutien-gorge n'est pas non plus une femme au hasard. Elle est un beau modèle brésilien, Adriana Lima, qui a été l'icône de la mode des produits lingerie de Victoria's Secret.

Le modèle est très populaire à l'appel de Mlle Lima portera un soutien-gorge de dollars RP17, 8 milliards, ce qui a été parsemé de diamants 2000, voir le spectacle de Victoria Secret de la mode, New York, 30 Novembre.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Evidence of Love Father in the Son

A tall man many times his cell phone directing personnel towards the five South Korean boy band, Shinee. He photographed the teenager who is on the rise it is now sitting with a crew following the opening of the Indonesian Korean Week in the Grand Ballroom of the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Mega Kuningan, South Jakarta, Monday (11/10) night.

"This photo was for my child," said Ramzi, a private employee who is based in Pacific Place, South Jakarta. He has two children, aged 14 years and 12 years who love Shinee.

Ramzi did not know the gait Shinee is so loved by some teenagers in Indonesia. Name five songs become the soundtrack personnel Korean drama, Boys Over Flowers, did not like Michael Jackson worldwide. He has been looking for solid discs (CD) Shinee songs in a number of stores in Jakarta song, but not found.

It was only when he went to a music store in Orchad Road, Singapore, Shinee song CD can be obtained. He was happy to be happy children. As his efforts last night trying to get a picture of five personnel Shinee formed in 2008. It was worth it yes sir!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Internet Browser Tools

Download Apk - Nokia finally introduces the device its own Internet browser, called Ovi Browser as one strategy to connect millions of consumers through a sophisticated mobile phone with affordable price.

Mary McDowell, executive vice president of Nokia Mobile Phones, said Ovi Browser is now present in the beta.

This device is the fruit of its acquisition of Novarra, so that Nokia finally brings the sophistication of cloud services for the series 40.

"Ovi Browser currently released in beta, provides the ability for users of phones based on Series 40 to be able to surf the Internet with faster, affordable, easy to use, and personalized," he said in a press release received by Business Today.

He claims his company is in an ideal position to capture the broadest possible developments in the global market.

Ambition is to continue to maintain his party leadership in terms of voice and data capabilities to the whole society.

Nokia judge will more and more people are joining the information age via the phone than using a personal computer (PC). It was seen from 80% of the world's population now has affordable cellular towers.

McDowell adding it also provides large-scale business opportunities for third-party developers as a platform for Series 40 mobile phones of the most widely used around the world.

Recently, Nokia expanded its reach by launching Ovi Store in China's commercial.

Monday, September 20, 2010

"Notebook" Samsung ‎

Entertainment News - Samsung Electronics Co Ltd sebenarnya sudah cukup lama memproduksi notebook dan netbook. Namun, baru satu tahun belakangan ini nama produk Samsung tersedia di bursa komputer nasional. Hal ini tak lepas dari meningkatnya permintaan akan komputer jinjing pada akhir 2009 lalu. Beberapa seri netbook Samsung yang disiapkan untuk pasar lokal bahkan cukup jadi perhatian, tetapi bedanya, Samsung menambahkan widgets khusus sehingga pengguna tak perlu melakukan akses melalui menu Windows.

Di sisi lain, sebagai produsen chip dan semikonduktor yang disebut-sebut bakal mengalahkan dominasi Intel beberapa tahun ke depan, ternyata Samsung justru menggandeng seterunya menjadi mitra. Hal ini bisa terlihat pada produk yang dirilis di Berlin Jerman, September silam. Seri QX yang dirilis dalam tiga seri (QX310, QX410, dan QX510) memakai prosesor Intel Core i5.

Namun, di balik pemakaian prosesor dan chip buatan Intel, Samsung sesungguhnya ingin menunjukkan dua hal pada seri ini. Pertama adalah notebook yang memiliki kekuatan dalam kinerjanya. Hal ini bisa terlihat pada fitur-fitur multimedia dan komunikasinya. Selain prosesor tadi, faktor tampilan grafis jadi perhatian pula. Graphic card dari nVIDIA lalu jadi modal utamanya. Hal itu akan sangat terlihat ketika memainkan game dan memutar video high definition.

Tombol kontrol agar bermultimedia lebih mengesankan. Juga tambahan dua speaker (masing-masing sebesar 1,5 watt) untuk melepaskan sinyal audio yang didukung oleh sebuah fitur 3D SRS Premium Sound.

Dalam hal pasokan tenaga, khususnya bagi pengguna mobile, sebuah teknologi baru dikenalkan. Namanya Samsung Express Changing Mode. Ini tak lain sebuah metode untuk mempersingkat masa pengisian baterai, di mana tenaga segera terpasok penuh hanya dalam tempo 2-3 jam. Sebuah baterai jenis lithium ion (6 sel) digunakan untuk menjaga agar pemakaian dapat dilakukan selama maksimal 6,9 jam.

Fitur lain, selain yang disediakan oleh Windows 7, juga dipasok oleh Samsung, antara lain Fast Start yang hanya membutuhkan tiga detik untuk mengaktifkan notebook pertama kali dan layar pun terbuka. Kemudian fitur Samsung AllShare yang tengah didengungkan oleh pabrikan ini pada berbagai perangkatnya agar dapat saling terhubung satu-sama lain dalam men-share data. Misalnya, antara ponsel dengan notebook dan televisi secara nirkabel. Juga fitur sejenis bernama Easy File Share.

Jika Anda pengguna gadget yang punya beberapa jenis perangkat bergerak, isi ulang baterai dapat menggunakan notebook ini. Sebuah fitur bernama Sleep and Charge yang menggunakan port USB sebagai koneksinya akan melakukan isi ulang tenaga ke ponsel, MP3, dan lainnya.

Faktor kedua yang ingin disampaikan oleh Samsung adalah desain. Sudah tak musim lagi model besar dan tebal. Sebaliknya, QX dirancang tipis, clean, bagian luar terbuat dari material yang solid dan antigores. Penutup samping disiapkan agar rongga pada port tak mudah kena debu.

Sementara itu, demi kenyamanan pengoperasian, keyboard-nya dirancang sedemikian rupa hingga kelihatan lebar. Juga tersedia gesture pad yang meningkatkan presisi, akurasi, dan kecepatan pengoperasian.

Seongwoo Nam, Executive Vice President dan Head of IT Solutions Business Samsung Electronics, pantas menyebut seri dengan tiga pilihan layar (13,1 inci, 14 inci, dan 15,6 inci) ini sebagai sebuah masterpiece dari keseluruhan bisnis komputer perusahaannya.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

تحيات عيد 1431 ه

Kartu Ucapan Idul Fitri 1431 H - حاكم جاوة الغربية أحمد عيد Heryawan إرسال بطاقات المعايدة واعتذار permohonaan لسكان 450000 في جاوة الغربية. Lebaran تكلفة الشحن بطاقة تصل إلى 675 مليون دولار أمريكي.

"وأرسل حاكم إلى عنوان 450000 انتشار في جاوة الغربية ، ونحن كنا نفعل منذ pemeberian أمس وضع العلامات والبريد ، ولكن المشكلة عندما
وسيتم تنسيق شحنات من جديد "للعلاقات العامة مكتب بريد باندونغ ، سوهندار سجد ، وعندما يتم الوفاء بها للصحفيين في مكتبه يوم الأربعاء (25/08/2010).

وقال سجد أن بطاقة Lebaran صورة الوجه بالصور الجبهة Heryawan أحمد والجزء الخلفي من تقويم عام 2011. وفي حين أن مضمون كتاباته على ما يلي : 'الفطر السعيد عيد الفطر 1431 ه 1 فراق آسف ولد الباطن. الله العبادة الأمل الخيرية تلقينا '

وقال "هناك ثلاثة أنواع من الصور حكام من هذا القبيل في بطاقة Lebaran. اثنان من يستخدم قميص الباتيك واحد يرتدي حلة" ، وأوضح.

ووفقا سجد ، Lebaran بطاقة ومغلف وليس من طبع مكتب البريد في باندونغ. فإنه لا فقط عملية عنوان التسليم يقصد التسميات والطوابع وتسليم الهدية. وكان ما مجموعه 50 موظفا مكتب البريد ساعد الطلاب الذين المتدرب لطي مشغول البطاقة ووضعها في مغلف.

ليتم إرسالها "Lebaran بطاقة بدا من الرايت تصل إلى المسؤولين الحكوميين وغيرهم" ، وأوضح سجد.

وأوضح سجد ، واحدة بطاقة بريدية Lebaran ارتدى نوع المنشور للروبية 1500. إذا كان مجموع بطاقة تكاليف الشحن ، Lebaran لسكان 450000 جبار تم التوصل إلى 675 مليون دولار أمريكي.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Buka Inter Island Cup 2010

Hari Jumat (27/8/2010) ini, turnamen Inter Island Cup 2010 (IIC) resmi dimulai. Sebagai laga pembuka, digelar duel antara juara bertahan ISL Arema Indonesia melawan PSM Makassar.

IIC sendiri bakal dilangsungkan di dua tempat, yakni Malang dan Palembang, mulai 27 Agustus hingga 5 September mendatang. Selain Arema dan Persiwa, turnamen yang diplot sebagai pemanasan ISL 2010-2011 ini juga diikuti Sriwijaya FC, Persib Bandung, PSM Makassar, dan Persiba Balikpapan.

Keenam tim tersebut dibagi dalam dua grup. Grup A, yang diisi Arema, Persiwa, dan PSM, akan memainkan pertandingan mereka di Stadion Kanjuruhan, Malang. Sementara Grup B, yang dihuni Sriwijaya, Persib, dan Persiba, akan melangsungkan laganya di Stadion Jakabaring, Palembang.

Pertandingan pertama di Grup B akan mempertemukan Sriwijaya dan Persiba, Sabtu (28/8/2010). Nantinya, dari setiap grup tersebut akan diambil satu tim dengan poin terbanyak untuk melaju ke babak final, yang akan berlangsung pada 5 September di Palembang.

Seharusnya, Persipura Jayapura yang tampil di laga pembuka, melawan Arema. Tetapi, runner-up ISL ini tak bisa tampil di ajang ini, sehingga mereka diganti oleh Persiwa.

Berikut pembagian grup dan jadwal Inter Island Cup 2010:

Grup A (Malang): Arema Indonesia, Persiwa Wamena, PSM Makassar

Grup B (Palembang): Sriwijaya FC, Persiba Balikpapan, Persib Bandung

Jadwal pertandingan:

Grup A: 27 Agustus 2010: Arema vs PSM; 29 Agustus 2010: Persiwa vs PSM; 31 Agustus 2010: Arema vs Persiwa

Grup B: 28 Agustus 2010: Sriwijaya vs Persiba; 30 Agustus 2010: Persiba vs Persib; 1 September 2010: Persib vs Sriwijaya

Final (Palembang): 5 September 2010: Juara grup A vs Juara grup B, kick off pukul 21.15 WIB

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pulau Es yang Lepas dari Greenland

Es Kutub Utara Mencair - Sized ice island 30 km x 10 km off the Petermann Glacier, Greenland, south of the North Pole last week. The giant iceberg is now crossing the Arctic Ocean. If the melt, the ice island was not very influential for Indonesian waters.

"The quantity of ice that broke out when the island was not very influential, except floating ice of the United States, it was just threatening," said climate researcher from the University of Hamburg, Dr. Armi Susandi, while talking to AFP on Thursday (07/12/2010).

In general, floating ice will impact on increasing the volume of sea water around the island waters traversed by the ice. "Volume in Indonesia itself is not too large, so not very influential," explains that ITB academicians.

In addition to increasing the volume of sea water around the area traversed by the ice island, which need to be aware that there is a threat to ecosystems in the sea.

"Because of climate change on ecosystems of course there will move. Akibatya fishermen fishing patterns will change and other impacts that fishing will require an additional cost," he said.

Then, what the impact directly to the tropical regions like Indonesia?

"It's not the volume of sea water that must be monitored, but changes in the weather that occurred at will nature," said Armi.

The weather changes, added Armi, is the occurrence of extreme weather changes. He cited Indonesia's transition should be entered into the rainy season it occurred outside forecasts.

"In sub-tropical areas of rain will be many, and Indonesia will experience dry because of the clouds that bring water vapor moves to the sub-tropical regions such as Pakistan. This is what we should be aware," he said.

Armi claiming the release of one of the island of ice caused by global warming, where water with high temperatures into the cracks of the glacier. "Global warming is increasingly accelerate the process of breakup of the glacier," says Armi.

In addition to increasing the volume of an impact on the surrounding water, the island is feared disturbing activity boats surrounding it.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Lot Of The Latest Songs

Irische Band, dass der Forbes-Liste der Top-Earning Musiker des Jahres 2010 gekrönt, obwohl sie versäumt hatte, in der Hauptsache auf dem Glastonbury-Slot erscheint stornieren und eine Reihe von US-Tour vor kurzem, nach dem Frontmann Bono, erlitt Verletzungen am Rücken.

Die Business Publications, stellt fest, dass fast die Hälfte der Top-10, bietet auch Musiker wie Bruce Springsteen, Madonna, und AC / DC, die mehr als 25 Jahre gearbeitet hat.

Während Lady GaGa ist die berühmtesten Namen in der bisherigen Lage zu verdienen Rp546 Milliarden Euro. All die Erfolge von Lady Gaga hat, ist das Unerwartete.

24-jährige Sängerin stammt aus New York war bei einer Show auf der Lower East Side Madison Square Garden vorgestellten. Innerhalb von 30 Monaten ist er sprang sofort in seiner Karriere, dank ein Album, das klingt wie Madonna in den frühen Zeiten der beste und das Video, das wie aus einer anderen Dimension, wo er trug eine Brille mit einer brennenden Zigarette aussieht.

Durch das Ausführen Touren rund um die Welt und unterstützen Millionen von Dollar von Polaroid, Virgin Mobile und Monster Cable, schöpfte Lady Gaga bis etwa Rp837 Milliarden im letzten Jahr, die den siebenten höchsten in der Liste ist. Madonna unter ihm gelang es nur zu ernten, so viel wie Rp783 Milliarden Euro.

Coldplay, die den zehnten Platz einnimmt, um gleichwertige Rp409 Mrd ist die einzige Band aus England, die in der Liste enthalten.

Gary Bongiovanni der Pollstar Concert Fachpublikation, sagte Forbes, eine überraschende Tatsache, dass das Musikgeschäft, die her hat es gut geht trotz der Musikindustrie wird von einer Rezession.

"In diesen Tagen Künstler / Musiker haben die Welt tourte, um Geld zu verdienen, weil sie nicht nur zu Hause sitzen kann und sammeln ihre Tantiemen und erwarten, dass ihre Hypotheken einfach so bezahlen", sagte er.

U2, AC / DC, Bruce Springsteen und Madonna geschafft, Schaufel über Rp3, 3000000000000 zwischen Juni 2009 bis Juni 2010, etwas größer als die Hälfte RP6, 3000000000000, die 10 Künstler im Musikgeschäft Sequenz hergestellt Forbes im letzten Jahrzehnt verändert hat diesem.

AC / DC, gefolgt von U2 Erlangung Rp1.026 Milliarden nach Beendigung einer Tour, RP20, 7 Mrd. nur in einer Nacht verdient.

Album Umsatz um mehr als die Hälfte seit 2000 gesunken, Herausziehen einer profitablen Einnahmequelle für Musiker und traditionellen Musikern einen Weg in den Mainstream Land einzudringen.

Musiker ist weniger wahrscheinlich, die Rp900 Milliarden Jahresumsatz in den Folgejahren zu brechen. Konzert Business verfügt über langjährige, die als der einzige Lichtblick in dieser Branche sind, war es auch langsam.

Live Nation, die kürzlich mit Ticketmaster zusammengeführt, um die dominierende Kraft in der Konzert-Geschäft geworden, ist heute ein führendes Unternehmen in der Musikindustrie.

Kürzlich haben sie angekündigt, dass der Ticketverkauf für die Top-100-Sequenzen Künstler auf 9% in diesem Jahr inmitten der Rückgang 17% in das Konzert Unternehmen im Allgemeinen. Dies könnte zu einem weiteren Rückgang der Ticketverkäufe.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Uang baru Diluncurkan

Uang 10000 Baru - In addition to serving busy exchange of new banknotes, with Bank Indonesia Banjarmasin preparing banknotes with a total of Rp 2 trillion this year to welcome Idul Fitri.

Uang Baru - This amount is increased than the previous year where BI Lebaran Banjarmasin only just set up USD 1.5 Trillion.

"We anticipate high demand for a particular banknotes with a nominal time before Lebaran day," said Syafruddin NA Gt H, Section Head of Cash Ops BI Banjarmasin, some time ago

The amount of money that is floating Banjarmasin BI prepared with a nominal USD 20 thousand, 10 thousand USD, USD five thousand, two thousand and currency IDR lgam new fractional USD in 1000.

Gt H Syafruddin added in nominal terms, the BI's preparations have been very inadequate to prepare a stock of USD 2 trillion, but it still asked for an addition to the BI office in Jakarta. The details, for fractions of USD 20 thousand prepared Rp42 billion, a fraction of Rp 10 thousand of USD 70 billion, a fraction of Rp 5 thousand of USD 16 miiar, fractional USD 2 thousand as much as USD 7 billion USD in 1000 prepared and fractions of Rp 3 billion.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Pesawat Trike Crash in wayang Mounth

Pesawat Trike Jatuh - A type of trike aircraft crashed in Pangalengan dikabakarkan, Bandung regency, Sunday (4 / 7). Until now there is not yet known whether the casualties in the incident. Two crew members and Panji was that Noto is also obvious his fate is unknown.

Pesawat Jatuh - Kapenkorpaskhas Col (Sus) Nairiza explains, this trike aircraft flying from the airport Nusawiru Pangandaran and was about to land on Lanud Sulaeman. This plane, said Nairiza, an aircraft with a machine that is behind the plane.

"Location of the fall is also not known. So far, our members are still track. Until so far we have not been informed what time the plane went down," he explained.

Unknown aircraft lost contact while flying in the vicinity of Mount Wayang or Sentosa Pangalengan, Bandung regency or precisely in the coordinates S 07 15 '03.5, E 107 38' 08.9 ".

Until now a mix of police officers, district officers and district military command center and the ill-fated attempts to find the plane's two crew.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi Split News

Entertainment News - De nombreux téléspectateurs de "The Bachelor" gémit quand Jake Pavelka pris Vienne Girardi rumeurs tabloïd sur le passé sauvages Girardi et accusations de trahison et de la chirurgie plastique.

Pavelka défendue - et sa décision -, mais un peu plus de trois mois plus tard, quelque chose a cloché.

"Jake et Vienne se sont séparés», dit Janice Lee, un représentant pour le couple. «Ils apprécient le respect de leur vie privée en ce moment."

Aucune raison n'a été donnée. Après Pavelka, 32 ans, a été éliminée de "Dancing with the Stars" à la fin avril, il parlait d'avoir besoin de passer du temps avec Girardi de «se concentrer sur notre relation et voir où la vie nous prend tout de suite après."

À l'heure actuelle, Pavelka est à Atlanta, l'enregistrement d'une guest passage sur la série à vie "Drop Dead Diva» et Girardi est à Los Angeles.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ramuan Prediksi Perancis VS Meksiko

Prediksi Perancis VS Meksiko / Mexico - Switzerland euphoria sweeping the country after the national team a 1-0 victory over Spain in the inaugural match of Group H World Cup allowance in 2010, Wednesday (06/16/2010). Not just Moses Mabhiba supporters at the Stadium is celebrating success, but in the Swiss city of Geneva was to be happy with the streets.

Perancis VS Meksiko / Mexico - Fun Swiss people are very reasonable. How not, as a team that was not considered in these games, they only made a surprise with the tame "El Matador", the ruler of Europe.

Gelson Fernandes was the one who turned all predictions after sontekannya on 51 minutes ripped the nets Iker Casillas. Suddenly, these goals were greeted by noisy supporters who directly witnessed the Swiss game, is also the community in the country of Switzerland.

Because, this is Switzerland's first victory in the history of his meeting with Spain. Previously, from 18 matches, Switzerland have never won. The best record is held balanced "La Furia Roja".

"There's no doubt about it, Switzerland has just recorded the history of the most beautiful in its history," the television correspondent compliment Switzerland, TSR, in Durban, Philippe Von Burg, in the morning news.

"Sensational!" Blick tabloid headline title, quoting fans Berne, Tobias Spinnler, who said, "Today is better than Christmas."

Massimo Lorenzi, a leader TSR Sports, commented, "The difficult is over and the next two games could be played. I hope this country will be confident with his team now."

Michael Pont, assistant coach Ottmar Hitzfeld Switzerland, told Swiss television, "After the defeat of Spain, would be a shame if it lost against Chile and Honduras. We must remain calm and vigilant. I have always dreamed to get through the first half."

Monday, June 7, 2010

Cut Tari Ariel Video Mesum

Video Cut Tari Ariel - Luna Maya artist management does not want to give feedback on your report Legal NGO People's Jamin (Hajar), the Polda Metro Jaya. "We do not want to comment first, excuse me," said Vita, the manager of Luna Maya by telephone tonight.

Video Cut Tari - Monday afternoon, led by Black lawyer Farhat Abbas, the Polda Metro Jaya report to the relevant video nasty that is currently circulating widely in the community. In The video depicted a couple scenes that are similar to Luna and vocalist band Peterpan, Ariel.

Hajar sure that the video was Luna and Ariel. They therefore asked the police to ensnare both the artist with the Law of Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) and the Book of the Law of Criminal Law (Penal Code) 282 about the morality market.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lubang Raksasa

Lubang Raksasa - Les personnes qui utilisent des houes et des haches pour trouver des victimes d'avalanches qui ont coûté la vie à au moins 179 personnes en Amérique centrale.

Des milliers d'habitants de perdre leurs maisons et des dizaines d'autres à découvrir tropicales pascabadai Agatha. Les sauveteurs tentent d'atteindre certains villages isolés de distribuer de la nourriture et l'eau.

«C'est une grande tragédie", a déclaré Jose Vicente Samayoa, président des groupes environnementaux dans Amatitlan, une ville que les inondations dans le sud de la capitale du Guatemala.

Les fonctionnaires locaux au Guatemala signalé 152 morts et 100 personnes étaient toujours portées disparues. Dans la région de Chimaltenango, à l'ouest de la province de Guatemala City, les glissements de terrain enterrés plusieurs communautés dans les zones urbaines en Inde, tuant au moins 60 personnes.

Les spectateurs sont curieux aussi serrés les uns grande fosse circulaire qui a avalé une intersection presque parfait à Guatemala City le week-end dernier, qui a aussi d'avaler une fabrique de vêtements, mais aucune victime ni blessé.

Les autorités estiment la taille du trou de 66 pieds ou 20 mètres avec une profondeur de près de 100 pieds (30 mètres), mais ils continuent à trouver la cause.

Près de 125 000 personnes ont été évacuées au Guatemala, et des milliers d'autres ont fui leurs maisons dans la région du Honduras, de la région avec le nombre de victimes a tué 17 personnes au bout de deux jeunes hommes avaient disparu au milieu des eaux de baignade dans la rivière qui coule au milieu d'avertissement officiel torrentielles délivré à menjuah de chenaux élargissement.

La plupart des écoles ont fermé le mardi, hier au Honduras.

En Elsalvador, 11.000 habitants avaient évacué. Le taux de mortalité est passé à 10 et les deux autres sont toujours portées disparues, a déclaré le président Mauricio Funes lundi soir.

Environ 95% des routes de transport terrestre de ce pays touchés par ces glissements de terrain, mais la plupart des routes sont encore ouvertes, a déclaré le ministre des Transports Gerson Martinez. Martinez dit aussi environ 179 ponts endommagés.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Bintang Sinetron

Android Apk - Un an ne semble pas à l'écran semble faire Marshanda mal à l'aise lorsqu'ils sont confrontés à nouveau avec la caméra pour la fabrication de soap opera "A Million Love Marshanda. En outre, dans les parcelles feuilleton cette maison de production SinemArt, agissant Marshanda en concurrence avec son ancien amant, Baim Wong, ainsi que son petit ami, Ben Kasyafani.

«J'ai agi comme waitres (femme de chambre, rouge) qui travaillent dans l'hôtel appartenant à Delvin (Baim Wong, rouge), et nous avons été ensemble pendant six ans, mais ne pas sanctionner sa mère Delvin. Vous avez surpris parce que la pause d'un an. Avant le tournage, je pense NIH deg-Degan et maladroit. Euh droite. Pour la première journée encore maladroit, mais au fil du temps a commencé à réajuster ", a déclaré Marshanda rencontrés sur place, Studio Persari, le sud de Jakarta, le jeudi (27 / 5).

Oui, même si cela signifie se heurter agissant avec Baim, mais généralement reconnues artiste Chaca adressée cela, il a essayé de rester professionnel. "Ce qui m'a fait envisager de recevoir ce feuilleton est le professionnalisme. Il n'avait aucun antécédent entre moi et Baim, mais pas drôle si ce n'était parce que je n'ai pas envie de jouer, dit-il.

Bien que la nécessité de renforcer la chimie à l'ordre Baim de paraître naturel dans les relations intimes a sauté, mais, heureusement, Ben ne se sentait pas jaloux. Reconnu Chaca, lui et Ben vraiment comprendre chaque personnage et leurs emplois respectifs. "Nous comprenons tous les deux et bien travailler. C'est stimulant et passionnant que l'histoire, d'abord, nous n'avons pas tu sais, mais équipé plus discuter avec Ben je pourrais tout aussi bien dire qu'il s'adapte le même caractère Delvin Baim. Alors oui je suis l'enfer professionnels », dit Chaca, jetant un regard sur Ben.

«Je akuin, au début de l'histoire est moins une grande partie de mon rôle. Chaca et Baim est souvent présente dans un jeu, alors à mon avis, doit être reconstruit sa chimie. Oui pas de problème et, de toute façon c'est pour un professionnel. Nous voici sur OK. Nous sommes devenus une bonne équipe ", a déclaré Ben Saïd.
Bien que ce temps à jouer avec son ex-petite amie, mais Chaca sûr, cela ne se produira rien de leurs relations amoureuses. «Je n'ai pas peur de Ben est jaloux, Ben était vraiment de soutien. Il n'a jamais boudé, il a été très compréhensif avec moi et nous sommes professionnels, at-il affirmé.

Entre-temps, quand on lui demande qui est plus difficile de rivaliser avec Baim agir ou de Ben, Chaca répondit avec un sourire. «Non à la fois maladroit. Kagoknya plus parce qu'ils ne jouent pas un de plus feuilleton année encore. Nous construisons la chimie uns avec les autres de toute façon, dit-il.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Suzuki Splash

Suzuki Splash - News Nissan will market the compact sedan, Nissan's latest March to the whole world has circulated since a few weeks ago. Nissan March will be produced in Thailand as well as a March production base for global exports.

A surprise came recently. Japan's Nissan announced the pricing of March and it was very tempting! The price is very competitive compared to Toyota Yaris 1.0-liter and 1.0 liter Toyota Passo.

Based on data released by Nissan, entry level / March K13 standard version with a 1.2-liter engine that is March 12S, it costs 990 000 yen, or about USD 99 million. While the cheapest Toyota Yaris with a 1.0-liter engine that is 1.0B worth 1,076,000 yen (USD 108 million). More Nissan March prices start from March 12S (990 000 yen), March 12X (1,140,000 yen), March 12g (1,330,000), March 12X FOUR (1,310,000 yen) and March 12g FOUR (1,500,000 yen).

As a comparison, the price of Toyota Yaris 1.0 B which is the cheapest version is 1,076,000 yen. While the most expensive version, 1.3 I'll worth about 1,638,000 yen. Compared to the cheapest Toyota Passo, 1.0 Nissan March X 1.2S prices are still more competitive. Nissan Passo starting price of 1,000,000 yen and 1,463,000 yen expensive.
What about Indonesia? Our prediction, price will not be far adrift with the Suzuki Splash who played in the range of USD 140-150 Million. Let's wait together.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rayuan Arwah Penasaran

Rayuan Arwah Penasaran - Because ngaret come to a place press conference, Rahma Azhari effort to promote her latest film 'Bye Curious Souls' threatened to fail.

The journalists left the location of the foot host a press conference held at the Cafe had been due Darine, third floor, Housing Village, South Jakarta, Monday (17 / 5).

The plan, the sister Sarah Azhari was like to explain about its legal demands for a shower scene at the filming of her latest film, exposed to the public. But until now, had not yet appeared Rahma Azhari nose.

Had been due at a press conference scheduled for 16:00 pm. Journalists are reluctant to wait any longer, decided to leave the press conference location.

The news circulated, was deliberately held a press conference to boost the promotion of the film 'Bye Curious Souls'. Moreover, a shower scene that spread through the trailer fillm.

This film, produced by the K2K Production, reportedly also uses the Japanese artist. 90-minute film that was dibintang also by the Princess Patricia, Andreano Phillip, and Dimaz Andrea.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Masalah Pacar

Pacar Sewaan - Sneakers are the mainstay model that also play movies Laura Basuki to complement her looks. In the various events, both formal and informal, he rarely wore high-heeled shoes like most other women. He still relies on sneakers.

"I like your sneakers. Well if there are events or the everyday, I like to wear. I think that makes sneakers with all the clothes. Many foreign artists who wore sneakers too," said the film star Gara-Gara Bola, in Jakarta, Thursday (13/05/2010).

In a glass screen Powerful music events, which dipandunya on this Thursday (13/05/2010), she also wore sneakers. This time ketsnya pink shoes and a cartoon picture of Minnie Mouse. The shoe color color dicocokkannya his mini dress, which is also pink. Majority necklace with pink and purple color decorate dangling around his neck. Pink is her favorite color.

While showing off shoes ketsnya, Laura told me that the shoes were a present from his girlfriend, whose name was Leo. He himself considered that the unique shoe design. Although sporty, feminine shoes remained impressed with the color pink. "According to him (Leo) these shoes I really. I like the cartoons are funny. Sporty and remain feminine. Pas he saw these shoes, continue to remember me. So was bought directly," he said.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Film Koreana Bali

Film Koreana Bali - Bali Regional Police are still investigating the Koreana `porn movies` which was filmed in the tourist area of Kuta Beach, Denpasar, Bali. Preliminary results on Thursday (6 / 5) shows a woman actor in the film, not the local community. This can be listened to from the language used during a dialogue with the traders.

While the filmmaker who also acts as a man in the movie is suppose not a professional filmmaker because of poor quality resulting picture. Now the police investigation focused more on finding personal documentation such spreaders.

The emergence of porn movie titled Koreana, which took pictures at the tourist area of Kuta, the more add to the bad image of the tourism industry in Bali. After previously Cowboys in Paradise, a peeling out gigolo life of Kuta, which is now a porn video beautiful tourist area of Kuta mendompleng helped residents feeling ripped Bali.

Although both films were the case has been entered into the table the police for violating the rule of law, something like this is actually very likely happen anywhere and is very difficult to avoid. "The case could have happened anywhere. This is a consequence of Kuta as the area of international tourism," said Head of Bali Police Commissioner of Public Relation of Large Gede Putra Dwi Sugianyar at Bali police headquarters in Denpasar, on Thursday (06/05/2010).

Sugianyar added, tourist attractions, such as Kuta, not only used for positive things, but there is also a fact using the Kuta to do things that are not praiseworthy. "Now it is time the people of Kuta began to care about the environment. We will work with village customs and all components of society to minimize Kuta Kuta used as pornographic activities," explained Sugianyar.

Former Chief of Police was also asked to Balikpapan, Indonesia in order not to generalize people of Bali as a region synonymous with pornography because it is only done by unscrupulous, irresponsible individual.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco de Mayo

Android Apk - En realidad, celebra la victoria de México 1862 sobre los franceses en la Batalla de Puebla y, según muchas personas, es más de un día de fiesta EE.UU. que a un mexicano.

Para el mexicano promedio, hoy es sólo otro miércoles, escribió Oscar Casares, profesor de la Universidad de Texas-Austin.

"La fiesta, que nunca ha sido realmente una gran parte de México, pasaron a este lado de la frontera en los años 1950 y 1960, según activistas de derechos civiles estaban tratando de construir la armonía entre los dos países y culturas", escribió Casares.

"La fecha de ganado más atención en la década de 1980 cuando los comerciantes, en particular las compañías cerveceras, vio esto como una oportunidad perfecta para capitalizar sobre la naturaleza de celebración de las fiestas".

Eric Lurio escribió en el Huffington Post, "es en realidad una fiesta mexicana-estadounidense, que fue por alguna razón, muy popular en California, y con los años se ha convertido en el día oficial étnica mexicana, como el Día de Colón es para los italianos y el Día de Polanski para los polacos. En otras palabras, es un día festivo inofensiva, si totalmente falso. "

Sin embargo, el Cinco de Mayo es grande aquí y ha añadido importancia en medio del polémico debate nacional sobre la inmigración.

El presidente Obama está llevando a cabo un evento especial en la Casa Blanca, Jardín de las Rosas de hoy y es probable que tenga algo que decir acerca de su visión para la revisión general de las leyes de ciudadanía y la seguridad fronteriza, el blog del pantano político previsto.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Cowboys In Paradise

Cowboys In Paradise - Recognition director Amit Virmani on filmmaking inspiration Cowboys in Paradise comes from a kid who aspires to be a gigolo seems questionable. From the recognition of a character in the film dicatut Ubud controversial, such work was ever made by a fellow named Mark Ulyseas Virmani in written form in a local magazine in Bali.

"Mark Ulyseas my friend who introduced me to Amit Virmani is the first to write a Kuta cowboy in 2007 and published in a local magazine in Bali," explained Ketut Suardana to Kompas.com at his residence, in Ubud, Gianyar, Bali, Wednesday (28th / 4 / 2010).

One of the characters or speakers who recorded the Cowboys in the movie Paradise which also community leaders Ubud, Ketut Suardana, admitted to not knowing he was with his wife dicatut in the film depicting the life of a gigolo in Bali.

"At that point Amit Virmani came with my friend named Mark Uliseas then introduced to me. Amit Virmani then asked for my comments about HIV / AIDS in Bali," said Ketut Suardana Kompas.com found at his home in Ubud, Gianyar. "Because I care about the danger of AIDS in Bali, I was willing to be interviewed. I explained the problem of HIV according to my capacity and referrals from doctors and NGO activists," added Suardana who is also Chairman of the Forum Cares Ubud.

The Cowboys in Paradise footage circulating on YouTube, looked Ketut Suardana with his wife, Janet De Neefe, emerged a few seconds to give a little comment in the film. Suardana just knew that he was in the movie gigolo after receiving a short message from a friend.

"I was on-message friends. Sir, how come there in the movie (the Cowboys in Paradise). I was immediately shocked," said the man who was also active in coaching soccer in Bali.

Despite the name dicatut without permission, this 51-year-old man remained calm and relaxed Kompas.com answer questions from reporters. "I do not feel guilty, he permits baseball with me. If there's anything that should not be responsible Amit Virmani," said Suardana.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Funniest Picture

LUKE Moore won’t be getting into a car with Giles Barnes any time soon following last week’s Range Rover challenge.

Barnes claims that his driving up a steep hill gave everyone the fright of their lives, not least Moore who was seen clinging on to Ishmael Miller in the back of the car.

“The off-roading was good,” said winger Barnes. “The funniest face was pulled by Luke Moore.

“I was driving and we came to a verge so he was leaning towards the side of the car.

“His face was a picture because we were right near a tree and the car was tipping to the side.

“He grabbed Ish in the back and looked petrified. I told him he just needed to trust me.

“But I’m not sure he does now.”

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Astrological Signs New

When word leaked Monday that Gray would be running for mayor, political junkies salivated, union officials cheered, and even local athletes took notice. You see, under Fenty, it’s been a halcyon era for folks who, like Hizzoner, push themselves to the limit in marathons, triathlons, and competitive cycling. Fenty’s opened new recreation facilities, attracted new top-level competitions, and is an accomplished athlete himself. Gray is an athlete, too, though he prefers different pursuits—baseball and hand dancing, to be precise.

Monday afternoon, Chuck Brodsky, founder of the Nation’s Triathlon and a close ally of Fenty’s, mass e-mailed his fellow competitors and issued a call to arms: “The benefits we’ve enjoyed under Mayor Fenty and our way of life as athletes, cyclists, runners, sports enthusiasts and competitors in the District of Columbia is in jeopardy,” he wrote. “Don’t stand idle. Now is your time to be heard.”

The e-mail continues: “You’ve never allowed anyone to tell you how to live your life. That’s the hallmark of our A type personalities. Now is your time to stand up, be heard, and support Mayor Fenty in his re-election bid to preserve the gains of our city and our quality of life.”

“[Y]our support,” Brodsky writes, “is non-negotiable.” He requested athletes that help with daily door-knocking or post a yard sign to preserve a “robust and athlete friendly city.”

Brodsky, reached Tuesday, deems the response to the e-mail “overwhelming.”

“My inbox is flooded with people who want to help,” he says. “Not just themselves, but they want me to bring a dozen [signs] to give them to their neighbors.”

Brodsky adds: “This is our time to stand up. We’ve never had it so good for athletes…so we want to keep it going.”

Drug Supplier Now Supplying D.C. Campaigns With Donations

In the annals of D.C. political history, the name Hassan H. Mohammadi has been all but forgotten—relegated to the depths of LexisNexis and a couple of mentions in Dream City, that indispensible chronicle of ’80s Washington.

But 20 years ago, Mohammadi was the talk of the town—a friend of Marion Barry’s throughout the mayor-for-life’s ’80s party heyday, he was first among a cadre of witnesses to testify in federal court that he supplied Barry with drugs, watched him use them, and often used them along with him.

Now, two decades later, Mohammadi’s name is popping up again—on checks recently cut to District candidates.

The Fenty 2010 campaign reported accepting three checks last month totaling $6,000 connected to Mohammadi. Jeff Smith, a Democrat challenging incumbent Jim Graham for the Ward 1 council seat, received $1,000 from Mohammadi and a member of his family.

Mohammadi, now 55, was described in a 1989 Washington Post story as being part of a “new circle of friends and advisers to whom Barry has turned for counsel, support and what the mayor calls ‘depressurizing.’”

Months later, after Barry was arrested for using crack cocaine in the infamous Vista Hotel bust, it became clear just what “depressurizing” meant, and what Mohammadi did to facilitate it. During Barry’s trial in the hot summer of 1990, Mohammadi testified that he gave Barry cocaine “about 30 times, maybe more,” dating back to 1985, when he opened his Pardis Cafe in Georgetown. In 1987, he told jurors, he delivered two grams of coke straight to Barry’s office in the District Building. He also testified that he also gave opium to the mayor.

At Barry’s trial, Mohammadi actually demonstrated how Barry would do coke—cut into lines with a credit card and snorted through a rolled-up dollar bill. He also showed the method for smoking opium—heating it on the back of a spoon, sucking the vapor through a straw.

Mohammadi’s favors to Barry—whom he unfailingly referred to as “Mr. Mayor”—didn’t end with his drug supply. The Post reported that Barry would stay as many as three nights a week at Mohammadi’s apartment, often showing up late at night. During a 1987 trip to the Bahamas, Mohammadi testified, Barry insisted that Mohammadi pay for a hotel room for one of Barry’s girlfriends. He also told jurors that, at a Bahamian casino, he gave Barry $3,000 in chips that were never paid back.

His labors on behalf of Barry were not without reward: A firm connected to Mohammadi was awarded a $195,000 lottery marketing contract—a deal that drew a federal probe. The Post also reported that Barry got a relative of Mohammadi’s a city job. And in exchange for his testimony, Mohammadi did only three months in jail on drug charges, and a federal judge agreed not to deport the Iranian national.

Until he flipped after the Vista bust, “I was a true friend to Mr. Mayor,” he testified, according to the Post. “I was always there for Mr. Mayor.”

His interest in the current Mr. Mayor is less clear.

A Fenty campaign rep contacted by LL was unaware of Mohammadi’s infamy. Smith, reached by LL earlier this week, said, “I don’t know him personally.” He later reported that Mohammadi’s contributions were solicited by a member of his campaign committee, one he declined to name citing his opponent’s “reprisatory” ways.

Smith said that, to his knowledge, Mohammadi is a caterer. Mohammadi reported to the Fenty campaign that he is owner of Zodiac Restaurant & Lounge, located in a Dover, Del., Holiday Inn. He has kept a low profile professionally and politically since the Barry trial, though his wife gave $2,000 to Cropp in 2006.

This much is clear: The political contributions could have gone a long way toward covering an outstanding debt Mohammadi owes.

In 2007, Mohammadi was sued over a debt related to Filibuster’s Bar and Grill, a now-defunct Thomas Circle watering hole he co-owned. In 2008, a judge found that he owed more than $8,200 to Jordan Kitt’s Music, a College Park–based piano retailer.

LL earlier this week reached Thomas Mauro, lawyer for Jordan Kitt’s, who says that his client yet to collect on the bill for a grand piano. He was very interested to hear about Mohammadi’s recent generosity.

Last week, LL paid a visit to Mohammadi’s Woodley Park townhome (assessed at $1.4 million, incidentally). He wasn’t home but LL left a card with a family member; he has not called.

LL did reach Mohammadi’s lawyer. Why does his client have money to give to politicians but not to pay his piano bill? LL asked. “I have no information on that,” the lawyer said.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Nokia Handphone

Android Apk - usually updates several phones at the same time, especially when the new firmware versions are not major updates. Therefore, the Finnish manufacturer released several updates for many Symbian devices. Not only older phones were updated, but also newer devices that were released earlier this year. The 5800, the E72, the X6 and the N86 8MP all got new firmware versions that bring software improvements to the devices.

The update brings a new Ovi Maps client with free Navigation, a new interface for RealPlayer and some performance improvements. This update might be the last one for the device, at least the last one bringing significant improvements. The new firmware also installs a new version of Nokia Messaging and allows the device to have more free RAM after booting.

The update brings many new features for the device, especially some that many users were truly waiting for. Indeed, this last version implements kinetic scrolling everywhere (menus too), a new web browser, Ovi Lifecasting and the latest versions of Ovi Contacts, Ovi Store, Ovi Music, QuickOffice and Flash

This firmware basically updates all the Ovi Applications to their latest versions, including Maps, but also adds new applications, such as Internet Radio and Bloomberg. The new firmware also brings some stability and memory improvements. The email application has been deeply corrected as well as the device's web browser.

Finally, Nokia's latest big release has been updated too. This new version brings kinetic scrolling everywhere in the user interface, as well as a an improved music player and a new version of QuickOffice. The device being new, no other major improvements were made to the system.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Film Indonesia

Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan - Manajemen Mal Ratu Indah (MaRI) akan melakukan perbaikan untuk memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal kepada pengunjungnya.Salah satu yang akan menjadi target pengembangan adalah meningkatkan kualitas bioskop 21 yang ada di lantai empat.Rencananya, dalam tahun 2010 ini, Bioskop 21 ini akan naik peringkat dan berubah menjadi XXI. Perubahan ini juga berimbas pada kualitas dan fasilitas yang ada di tempat nonton film- film terbaru tersebut.

Film Terbaru - Menurut GM MaRI, Tb Dadi Sufiyadi A, studio yang ada di bioskop 21 akan bertambah dari empat studio menjadi lima studio.Selain itu, desain dan fasilitas juga akan lebih ekskulif serta film-film yang akan ditayangkan tentu film-film terbaru baik dalam negeri maupun film box office.

SALAH SATU mobil yang bangun untuk pembuatan film Fast and Furious terbaru akan dijual. Keistimewaan Camaro F-Bomb 1973 ini adalah, ia dibuat hanya untuk adegan film yang dikemudikan langsung oleh Vin Diesel sendiri.

Kendaraan ini tengah ditawarkan oleh Volo Auto Museum dengan harga US$39.998. Camaro ini memang tidak seperti F-Bomb dalam film dengan limpahan tenaga 1.500hp. Tetapi Camaro ini dijamin dapat berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya.

Mesin Chevrolet 406 cu-in (6.6 liter) twin turbo berkonvigurasi V8 ini tenaganya memang tidak sehebat aslinya, namun lebih dari cukup untuk digunakan di jalan raya dengan 300 tenaga kuda yang dikendalikan lewat transmisi otomatis 3-speed.

Jika menilik harganya, Ini angka yang cukup mahal, karena kita bisa saja membangun replika Camaro
F-Bomb 1973 dengan biaya Rp360 jutaan. Tapi apakah dengan harga segitu kita bisa membeli sebuah sejarah film di balik semua itu? Mobi ini pernah dikemudikan Vin Diesel lho

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Zodiac Primbon

Primbon - Not many actors come back from the oblivion of addiction with as much success and retained ability as Robert Downey Jr., whose career renaissance continued with "Sherlock Holmes." These are his top five grossers since rehab:

1. "Iron Man" (2008) $308 million. Metalhead Tony Stark uses technology to fight evil.

2. "Sherlock Holmes" (2009) $208 million. Downey as Arthur Conan Doyle's cerebral detective.

3. "Tropic Thunder" (2008) $110 million. Actors become soldiers in this action comedy. 4. "Zodiac" (2007) $33 million. Downey plays a reporter who teams up with a cartoonist to track down San Francisco serial killer.

5. "The Soloist" (2009) $31 million. Downey as a reporter again, but this time he's befriending a homeless musician in the film based on former Inky columnist Steve Lopez's book.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

World Cup 2010

EVERYONE seems to be getting on to the Fifa 2010 World Cup bandwagon. Already, musicians such as Akon and Kelly Rowland have done songs about South Africa and the national team – Bafana Bafana.

Eddy Grant is the latest musician to cash in on the soccer spectacle.

The Gimme Hope Jo’anna hit-maker has done a song for Bafana Bafana called "Feel It, It is Here".

Born in Guyana in 1948, Grant recorded the track at Sting Studios in South Africa recently.

The single has a distinct South African feel and will be released through local recording company Bula Music.

Grant will be touring the country to promote the song just before the tournament kicks off on June 11.

One of the most celebrated music icons, Grant has recorded many albums. He had his first number one hit in 1968 when he was the lead guitarist and main songwriter of the multiracial group The Equals, with his self-penned song Baby Come Back.

When he moved to Barbados, he launched his own label, Complex, which released Killer on the Rampage. The album had hits such as Electric Avenue, I Don’t Wanna Dance and It’s All in You.

He then took a break from music for a few years and returned with the hit Gimme Hope Jo’anna, which became a number one hit worldwide.

Last year, he spent eight weeks with the Lucky Dube Band, and together they toured Sweden, Denmark, Germany and South Africa .

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Poland Plane President Crash ‎

Poland Plane Crash - Russian authorities put the death toll at 96 in the crash of the Polish President's plane. President Lech Kaczynski was leading a delegation of 88 people, including his wife and some of Poland's highest military and civilian leaders to an event marking the 70th anniversary of the massacre of thousands of Polish officers by Soviet secret police.

Plane Crash -Officials say the plane was trying to land in thick fog when it crashed. A regional official says tentative findings indicate the plane hit the treetops before going in. The state news channel has been airing footage from the crash site that shows pieces of the plane scattered widely amid some trees.

The Polish foreign ministry says in addition to the president, Poland's army chief of staff, national bank president, deputy foreign minister, army chaplain, head of the National Security Office, deputy parliament speaker, civil rights commissioner and at least two presidential aides and three lawmakers were on board.

The prime minister and other top government ministers were not aboard the plane.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Aceh Gempa, Warga Padang Panik ‎

Gempa berkekuatan 7,2 Skala Richter (SR) yang menggucang Provinsi Aceh, subuh tadi, terasa juga di Padang, Sumatera Barat. Meski getarannya tak sekuat di Aceh, namun warga Padang sempat panik.

"Gempa Aceh cukup lama, terasa ada sekitar lima menit, seperti dibuai-buai tapi tidak terlalu kuat. Kami dan warga hanya bertahan di rumah, jika kuat mungkin kami akan berlarian ke luar rumah," kata Abdul (40), warga Bandar Purus, Kecamatan Padang Barat, Padang, kepada okezone, Rabu (7/4/2010).

Meski tak terasa kuat, namun warga tetap waspada. Menurut Abdul, kekhawatiran itu muncul lantaran patahan lempengan di Aceh dengan di Sumatera Barat merupakan suatu rangkaian yang sama. Selain itu, gempa di Aceh akan mempengaruhi posisi patahan di Sumbar, terutama di Mentawai.

"Gempa yang terjadi di Aceh tidak membuat kami cemas, yang kami kawatirkan adalah gempa itu menjalar ke sini, karena patahan yang ada di Aceh dengan Padang itu satu rangkaian," ungkapnya.

Apalagi dalam pekan ini, sudah beberapa kali gempa terjadi di Mentawai.

"Jangan-jangan ramalan para ahli itu bisa benar, coba kalau kita lihat dalam seminggu ini sudah beberapa kali gempa bahkan sudah menjalar ke darat di patahan semangka Sumatera, mudah-mudahan tidak terjadilah," tandasnya.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bellingham art exhibit provides mystery ‎

Walk the streets of downtown Bellingham, and you'll hear talk of a mystery.

"I don't know where they came from," said one passerby.

"They are colorful!" said a young girl standing in the shadow of a large sculpture.

The free-standing designs are part of a temporary exhibit. Fourteen sculptures are now a part of the downtown landscape. Each sculpture is its own solid color, shaped like a separate sign of the zodiac. They are on loan from world-renowned Mexican artist Sebastian.

"Sebastian is probably the most famous sculptor in the world today," said Dr. George Drake, a former Bellingham city councilman and community activist who helped bring the exhibit to Bellingham.

"This is the first time in the U.S. or Canada that so many pieces like this are shown," he said.

The exhibit is made possible by public/private partnerships, extensive volunteer efforts and a $25,000 state tourism grant. The City of Bellingham provides the installation of all 14 sculptures, but provides no direct funding.

Drake is a long-time friend of Sebastian, who has made a tentative plan to visit Bellingham while the exhibit is on display through September.

"Our goal is to let people know that Bellingham is an art destination" says Drake.

Like most art, the sculptures bring plenty of opinion.

"I like how simple the shapes are," said Bellingham resident Cherie Hosley. "It's like origami, which I like."

"I'll just have to get used to it," said another onlooker. "Not the best use of tax dollars."

"It's not a matter of whether you like or dislike," said Drake. "It's about making you think."

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Flores Dikuasai Hobbit ‎

Leluhur hobbit, spesies mirip manusia mungkin telah menguasai Flores satu juta tahun lalu, jauh lebih awal dari yang diperkirakan sebelumnya, menurut penelitian terbaru. Leluhur hominins, sebelumnya diperkirakan telah tiba di pulau ini sekitar 800.000 tahun lalu. Tetapi artefak yang ditemukan di situs arkeologi itu menunjukkan mereka mungkin telah ada bahkan lebih awal.

Dalam sebuah makalah yang diterbitkan di Nature, para peneliti mengatakan temuan mereka menyarankan hominins ini mungkin telah berevolusi menjadi hobbit kecil seperti manusia, atau "manusia Flores" yang berdiri sekitar satu meter dan memiliki tengkorak ukuran jeruk.

Sisa-sisa kerangka 18.000 tahun "manusia Flores" ditemukan sekitar lima tahun lalu dan ilmuwan kemudian menentukan itu milik sebuah spesies manusia yang benar-benar baru.

Diberinama Homo floresiensis berdasarkan pulau di mana ditemukan, manusia kecil itu juga sering disebut sebagai "hobbit" berdasarkan makhluk-makhluk kecil dari "Lord of the Rings."

Kedatangan hominins juga diyakini telah mengakibatkan kematian massal kura-kura raksasa Stegondon sondaari, gajah pygmy di pulau itu.

Dalam laporan mereka, para peneliti mengatakan mereka menemukan 45 peralatan batu di Wolo Sege Flores.

Dipimpin oleh Adam Brumm dari Pusat Ilmu Arkeologi di Universitas Wollongong di New South Wales Australia, para peneliti menggunakan metode penanggalan baru dan menemukan bahwa peralatan batu itu berusia sekitar satu juta tahun.

"Sudah jelas sekarang, bukti terang dari Wolo Sege hominins muncul di Flores (satu juta tahun yang lalu). Hal ini menyarankan kematian massal Stegondon sondaari dan kura-kura raksasa ... bisa mewakili kepunahan lokal atau regional," tulis mereka di papernya.

Manusia Flores dianggap sebagai keturunan homo erectus yang memiliki otak besar, menyebar dari Afrika ke Asia sekitar dua juta tahun yang lalu.

Ilmuwan menduga "manusia Flores" hidup pada waktu yang sama dengan manusia modern dan menjadi punah setelah letusan gunung berapi yang besar di pulau itu sekitar 12.000 tahun yang lalu.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Pidato Presiden SBY

Sebenarnya pernyataan Presiden SBY pada hari Senin 1 Maret 2010 yang menyatakan : SAYA BERTANGGUNG JAWAB, MESKI ..... sudah banyak dikomentari orang sebagai sama sekali tidak logis. Pernyataan SBY ini malah menunjukkan bahwa SBY "cuci tangan".

Analoginya SAYA MAU MEMBERI KAMU UANG, MESKI SAYA TIDAK PUNYA UANG...... Nah, lho, artinya kan sama saja dengan saya tidak mau dan tidak akan memberi uang sepeserpun. Namun, rupanya Presiden SBY tidak membacanya, sehingga kesalahan yang sama diulang saat Presiden SBY menyampaikan pidato resmi menanggapi skandal Bank Century pada hari Kamis tanggal 4 Maret 2010. Akibatnya, pidato SBY ini bukannya menjernihkan persoalan, tapi justru membuka celah hukum yang baru.
Mengapa? Karena secara terang benderang, Presiden SBY memilih opsi A dari hasil Pansus Century. Padahal Sidang Paripurna DPR telah memilih opsi C dengan 325 suara.
Akibatnya Presiden secara langsung telah MENAFIKAN dan MENEGASIKAN keputusan dua lembaga tinggi negara yang kedudukannya sejajar dengan Presiden, yaitu BPK dan DPR yang telah menyatakan bahwa telah terjadi banyak pelanggaran hukum dalam penyelamatan Bank Century.
Kalau Presiden memilih "bertarung" dengan dua lembaga tinggi negara itu, nasibnya pasti.

Mari kita simak enam hal penting yang disampaikan oleh Presiden SBY itu.
Pertama, Presiden SBY menghimbau : kita harus melihat masalah secara utuh dan jernih.
Sudah tentu himbauan SBY ini mengajak masyarakat untuk membuka kembali semua dokumen resmi dan menelisik apa yang sebenarnya terjadi di tahun 2008 itu. Ada dua dokumen resmi yang menyatakan bahwa situasi perekonomian dan perbankan di Indonesia saat itu normal. (a) Tidak ada laporan ke Presiden SBY dan Wapres JK, bahwa Indonesia sedang mengalami krisis ekonomi di bulan November 2008. Sebab dalam perjalanan ke AS untuk menghadiri pertemuan G-20 dan KTT APEC, saat transit di Bandara Narita, Tokyo, tanggal 13 November 2008, Presiden langsung berkomunikasi dengan Presiden ad interim Jusuf Kalla, Gubernur BI Boediono di Jakarta, dan Sri Mulyani yang sudah berada di Washington DC, AS. Tentang komunikasi itu Mensesneg Hatta Radjasa mengatakan : "Gubernur BI dari Jakarta melaporkan bahwa situasi perbankan baik". Hal ini diperkuat dengan sambutan Presiden pada USINDO (US-Indonesia Society) Luncheon di Hotel Ritz Carlton, Washington DC, yang bertema : "INDONESIA AND AMERICA : A 21st CENTURY PARTNERSHIP" pada tanggal 14 November 2008. Saat itu Presiden menyatakan : "In a world rocked by the present global financial crisis, Indonesia's economy, like most of Asia's economies, is relatively better off than most countries". (b) Kenapa "bail out" tetap terjadi, padahal dalam konperensi pers di Hotel Ritz Carlton Washington DC, tanggal 15 November 2008, (yang juga dihadiri oleh Menkeu Sri Mulyani), Presiden dengan tegas menyatakan "tidak akan meniru kebijakan Pemerintah AS dan negara-negara Eropa memberikan "bail out" kepada perusahaan-perusahaan yang bangkrut".

Kedua, SBY menyatakan bahwa kebijakan itu diambil di masa sulit.
Untuk mengkaji apakah situasi di masa itu sungguh-sungguh sulit atau baru dibayangkan akan menjadi sulit, mari kita menyimak tiga dokumen resmi otoritas moneter di tahun 2008. (a) Bank Indonesia selaku otoritas moneter selalu menyampaikan Laporan Perkembangan Pelaksanaan Tugas dan Wewenang Bank Indonesia kepada Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) dan Pemerintah pada setiap triwulan yang merupakan pemenuhan amanat yang digariskan dalam UU No.23 Tahun 1999 tentang Bank Indonesia sebagaimana telah diubah dengan UU No.3 Tahun 2004. Laporan ini dapat disimak dalam TKM (Tinjauan Kebijakan Moneter) Nopember 2008, yang dikeluarkan setelah Rapat Dewan Gubernur (RDG) Bank Indonesia tanggal 6 November 2008; dalam TKM Desember 2008, yang dikeluarkan setelah RDG-BI tanggal 4 Desember 2008; dalam LKM (Laporan Kebijakan Moneter) triwulan IV-2008, setelah RDG-BI pada awal Januari 2009; dan dalam Laporan BI kepada DPR triwulanan keempat ditahun 2008, yang ditanda tangani Gubernur BI Boediono tanggal 31 Januari 2009. Dari dokumen resmi Laporan BI sendiri, bisa disimpulkan bahwa suasana krisis atau akan adanya ANCAMAN DAMPAK (BURUK) SISTEMIK tidak terlihat dan tidak diisyaratkan secara jelas dalam berbagai laporan resmi Bank Indonesia ketika itu. Bahkan, jika kita membaca secara lengkap semua laporan itu , terasa ada nada optimis atas segala situasi yang berkembang. (b) Notulen Sidang Paripurna KIB I tanggal 20 November 2008 yang dipimpin oleh Presiden ad interim Jusuf Kalla, saat itu Gubernur BI Boediono dan Menkeu Sri Mulyani tidak menyinggung bahwa Indonesia sedang mengalami krisis ekonomi dan sama sekali tidak melaporkan tentang kasus Bank Century. (c) Laporan Keuangan BI tahun 2008 yang dikeluarkan pada bulan Mei 2009 dan ditandatangani oleh deputi Gubernur BI : Ardhayadi M, menyebutkan bahwa BI mengalami surplus sebesar Rp. 17 trilyun.

Dari tiga dokumen resmi diatas, tidak tergambar adanya situasi sulit di tahun 2008

Ketiga, menurut SBY, penyelamatan Bank Century itu merupakan keputusan yang terbaik di masa krisis.
Apa benar bahwa keputusan "bail out" ini merupakan keputusan terbaik? Mari kita lihat dokumen rapat KSSK pada tanggal 20 November 2008 (H-1). (a) Deputi Gubernur BI bidang Pengawasan Perbankan Dra Sti Chalimah Fadjriah, MM sudah mengemukakan di depan rapat KSSK tanggal 20 November 2008 itu bahwa sebaiknya Bank Century ditutup saja karena asset dan nasabahnya tidak sebesar Bank Tripanca (Bank Tripanca ditutup tanpa menimbulkan efek sistemik, meskipun asset dan jumlah nasabahnya jauh lebih besar dari Bank Century). Apalagi, ternyata Deputi Gubernur BI bidang Pengawasan Perbankan dan LKBB : Ibu Dra.Hj.Siti Chalimah Fadjriah, MM, bahkan sempat menandatangani surat likuidasi Bank Century.

Hal penting lainnya adalah pernyataan satu-satunya nara sumber resmi (menurut surat undangan rapat KSSK tanggal 20 November 2008) yaitu Agus Martowardoyo : Dirut Bank Mandiri, yang menyatakan sebaiknya Bank Century diambil alih (take over) oleh Bank Mandiri saja, biaya penyelamatannya lebih murah. Tapi tidak ditanggapi.

Agus Martowardoyo dan Siti Chalimah Fadjriah sudah mewakili suara dunia perbankan, lalu untuk apa lagi kalangan perbankan (PERBANAS) diundang lagi dalam sidang Pansus Century ? Pernyataan Agus Martowardoyo dan Siti Chalimah Fadjriah itu menunjukkan bahwa kita sama sekali tidak mengalami krisis di tahun 2008

Keempat, menurut SBY, kebijakan bail out tidak harus dipidanakan.
Dasar pijakannya adalah kebijakan itu tidak melanggar UU (tidak melanggar hukum). Tapi kalau ternyata kebijakan itu melanggar hukum, ya harus dipidana. Mari kita simak tiga kebijakan Gubernur BI dan Menkeu Sri Mulyani selaku bendahara umum Negara (bukan sekedar Menkeu selaku Ketua KSSK) yang jelas-jelas melanggar hukum (melanggar UU). (a) Nampaknya untuk pengucuran dana bail out, disiapkan dua opsi yaitu melalui FPJP (Fasilitas Pendanaan Jangka Pendek) atau FPD (Fasilitas Pendanaan Darurat). Apa buktinya? BI secara sengaja mengubah aturan pemberian FPJP ini melalui PBI No. 10/30/PBI/2008 tanggal 14 November 2008 dan pemberian FPD ini melalui PBI No. 10/31/PBI/2008 tanggal 18 November 2008. Ketika kedua opsi ini dipersoalkan oleh BPK dan dipertanyakan oleh Pansus Century, maka otoritas fiskal dan moneter menyatakan bahwa dalam bail out Century, mereka tidak menggunakan FPD tapi fasilitas PMS (Penyertaan Modal Sementara).

Pernyataan ini malahan melanggar ketentuan UU No. 17 tahun 2003 tentang Keuangan Negara (Lembaran Negara No. 47 tahun 2003) Bab VI pasal 24 ayat 7 : Dalam keadaan tertentu, untuk penyelamatan perekonomian nasional, Pemerintah Pusat dapat memberikan pinjaman dan/atau melakukan penyertaan modal kepada perusahaan swasta setelah mendapat persetujuan DPR.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Panasonic Gobel Awards 2010" ‎

Pemenang Panasonic Gobel Award 2010 - RCTI mendominasi "Panasonic Gobel Awards 2010", memenangkan lima dari 13 nominasi kategori tayangan televisi, yang diperebutkan di ajang penghargaan bagi para insan televisi Tanah Air tersebut.

Panasonic Gobel Award 2010 Pada kategori "Infotainment", salah satu tayangan infotainment yang tayang di RCTI, "Silet", berhasil menyisihkan empat tayangan lainnya, yakni "Ada Gosip", "Hal Selebriti", "Hot Shot", dan "Kabar-kabari". Tak hanya itu, Feni Rose, presenter "Silet", juga berhasil menyabet gelar terfavorit untuk kategori "Presenter Infotainment".

Penghargaan bagi Feni tersebut, menurutnya, tercatat sebagai yang kali kedua, meski tidak berturut-turut. "Penghargaan ini untuk memicu motivasi. Penghargaan membuat kita ingat lagi bahwa kita ini milik banyak orang. Jadi, kita harus selalu memberikan yang terbaik buat banyak orang, bukan hanya sekadar mengerjakan rutinitas," tutur wanita nama pemilik lengkap Feni Rosewidyadhari itu.

Di bidang hiburan lainnya, RCTI juga merajai sejumlah nominasi seperti "Musik & Variety Show", "Idola Cilik", dan "The Master".

"Dahsyat", tayangan yang baru berusia tahun itu mengungguli tayangan musik --yang kini tengah laris pemirsa-- lainnya, seperti "BRI di Hati, "Hip-hip Hura", "Inbox", dan "Kemilau Mandiri Fiesta".

Hal serupa juga terjadi pada tayangan "Idola Cilik", yang berada di puncak perolehan dukungan hingga akhirnya mengungguli "Cinta Juga Kuya, "Dunia Air", "Laptop Si Unyil", dan "Si Bolang Bocah Petualang", untuk tayangan anak-anak di nominasi "Anak-anak".

Sementara "The Master", tayangan unjuk kebolehan para pesulap muda, diklaim oleh ajang penghargaan insan televisi Indonesia itu sebagai yang terfavorit untuk kategori "Pencarian Bakat". Tayangan yang juga dipandu Deddy Corbuzier itu mengalahkan "Dangdut Mania", "KDI", "Supermama Seleb", dan "3D Show".

Dalam siaran persnya, acara penghargaan yang telah digelar sebanyak 13 kali itu mengklaim mendapatkan pengumpulan suara responden yang lebih besar dari setahun silam, khususnya melalui polling SMS. Data polling SMS 2009, tercatat mencapai 181.140, dengan jumlah suara yang valid sebanyak 85.230 suara.

Sementara pada tahun ini, jumlah SMS yang masuk mencapai 523.327, dengan jumlah suara valid sebanyak 437.770 suara.

Dari keseluruhan metode polling, pihak penyelenggara mengklaim telah berhasil menghimpun hampir 1.000.000 suara.

"Panasonic Gobel Awards 2010" menggelontorkan 24 penghargaan yang terdiri dari 24 penghargaan, yang terdiri dari 11 penghargaan kategori individu dan 13 penghargaan kategori program/acara terfavorit, yang merupakan dipilih pemirsa. Ajang ini juga memberikan satu penghargaan khusus pada Ishadi SK untuk kategori "Golden Achievement".

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Nokia 5230 Nuron

Apk Download - Everyone loves a great deal, and Nokia and T-Mobile are serving up one heck of a value with the Nokia 5230 Nuron. Available starting March 24 for just $69.99 with a two-year contract, the Nuron is a full touch-screen smartphone that offers 3G support, access to the Ovi Store, and free maps and voice-guided, turn-by-by navigation via Ovi Maps. The latter is really what makes the phone such a great deal. With Ovi Maps, you're getting maps for the U.S., Canada, and Mexico as well as other premium content such as weather forecasts and Lonely Planet guides, all without the monthly subscription fee that's often attached to this kind of content. Of course, to get the cheaper price you give up a few features, such as Wi-Fi and a high-end camera, but the Nuron isn't meant to be that top-of-the-line, high-performance device. It's really about giving consumers an affordable option when shopping for a smartphone. If you're on a budget, we certainly think the Nokia Nuron will give you a lot of bang for your buck.

Harga Hp Nokia - The Nokia 5230 Nuron's design is a familiar one, taking after the Nokia 5800 Xpress Music and Navigation Edition models. The white-and-silver chassis refreshes the look a bit, but the Nuron keeps the same candy bar shape and dimensions (4.37 inches tall by 2.03 inches wide by 0.61 inch thick) as the 5800s' do. At 3.98 ounces it is just a hair heavier than the other 5800. Overall, it's a very compact and lightweight handset that doesn't feel fragile. However, unlike the 5800 Navigation Edition, the battery cover doesn't have a soft-touch finish, thus it'

Hp Nokia Terbaru 2010 - The sides on the handset house several controls. On the left spine, you'll find the SIM card and microSD expansion slots, both of which are protected by covers. Its right side has a volume rocker, a lock switch, and a camera activation/capture button. There are also Talk and End keys and a main menu button just below the display, but you'll use the Nuron's 3.2-inch resistive touch screen for most of your interaction with the phone.

With a 640x360-pixel resolution and support for 16 million colors, the Nuron's display is clear, bright, and satisfying. The screen washes out a bit in bright sunlight, and is on the small side, making typing the onscreen keyboard feel a bit cramped. Still, Nokia does a better job at maximizing the screen to the phone's size, unlike the Motorola Cliq XT, which is bigger but has a smaller screen. It also has a proximity sensor and built-in accelerometer so you can rotate the phone and view maps, Web pages, photos, and so forth in landscape mode. The transition when switching screen orientations isn't the smoothest; there's a slight lag and it almost feels like it catches halfway.

The Nuron's touch screen is fairly responsive. It uses grid and list menus that are laid out well, so that you can easily navigate using your finger. Launching Web links can get a little dicey, but you can double-tap in the browser to zoom in on a page and tap a link. Still, we prefer having a capacitive touch screen rather than a resistive one since it's more sensitive and offers a smoother scrolling experience; it also eliminates the need for a stylus.

Also, with Symbian 3 operating system and its single-tap user interface still a few months away, you're going to have to deal with the clunky interface of the S60 5th Edition platform. As we've said many times before, the extra steps and inconsistencies of the interface make the device a bit frustrating to use when compared with other touch-screen devices. Tip: Just remember that icons only require one tap whereas list items need two.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Film Di Bawah Ada Langit

Tentang Film Di Bawah Ada Langit yang sudah rilis pada tanggal 18 Maret yang baru lalu, Opck sang sutradara film tersebut merasa lega. Dia berucap, film tersebut seolah - olah kado ulang tahunnya yang ke 36 tahun. Opick yang kita kenal sebagai seorang penyanyi religius, beralih profesi menjadi seorang sutradara film. Namun tetap saja kegiatan nyanyi dia jalan terus.

Film Di Bawah Ada Langit yang digarap Opick, menjadikan opick seorang sutradara film yang sekaligus seorang penyanyi. Ada profesi baru yang kini digeluti oleh Opick. Pemilik nama lengkap Aunur Rofiq Lil Firdaus ini mencoba profesi baru menjadi pembuat film. Uniknya, profesi baru tersebut tidak hanya dilakoni dalam satu kegiatan saja. Tapi, Opick langsung "memborong" lima peran sekaligus; pemeran utama, produser, penulis skenario, sutradara, dan music director.

Adalah film anyar bertajuk 'Di Bawah Langit' yang menyeret Opick menjadi "pemborong"-nya. Di film ini, pria kelahiran Jember, 16 MAret 1974 ini memboyong para sahabatnnya seperti Inneke Koesherawaty, Didi Petet, dan Agus Kuncoro.

Soal kerja "borongan" itu, Opick menampik jika disebut serakah. ''Bukan maksud mau serakah,'' kata pelantun tembang Tombo Ati ini, ''Awalnya sih semua aktivitas itu sudah ditawarkan ke orang lain, tapi sampai jadwal mustinya syuting, tetap kosong."

Selain itu, semangat "irit dana" juga menjadi salah satu alasan. ''Ya memang sih supaya lebih irit biayanya sehingga saya coba memberanikan diri untuk melakoni lima peran sentral tersebut sekaligus.''

Monday, March 15, 2010

Opick Main Film Tahun Ini

Film Terbaru Indonesia - Opick mengakui, banyak orang yang menilainya "serakah", dalam pengerjaan film terbarunya, Di Bawah Langit. Pasalnya, semua hal penting yang terkait pengerjaan film itu, digarapnya sendirian.

Film Terbaru - Dalam poster film yang juga memiliki tema religi tersebut, terpampang sejumlah titel yang disandang penyanyi lagu-lagu religi itu, mulai dari produser, penulis skenario, sutradara, penggarapan soundtrack, hingga pemain utama.

"Memang ada yang bilang saya serakah. Produser, ide skenario, peran utama, terus juga pembuat novel. Tapi ini menurut saya merupakan pengalaman-pengalaman indah yang diberi Allah," tutur Opick kepada wartawan, di sela-sela perkenalan film ini di Jakarta.

Bagi Opick, film yang juga menyuguhkan akting dari beberapa pemain film kenamaan Tanah Air seperti Didi Petet, Inneke Koesherawaty, atau Agus Kuncoro itu, pengalaman "serakah" itu justru seharusnya menjadi bahan motivasi bagi para pelaku maupun para calon pelaku di industri layar lebar Indonesia.

"Bagi saya, orang yang berangkat bukan dari dunia film, ini motivasi buat teman-teman di jalan atau bahkan bagi siapa saja yang telah berkecimpung dalam kesenian. Bahwa kita harus yakin bahwa kita bisa membuat sebuah karya yang baik dalam seni, dan dalam hal ini adalah film," jelas pria bernama lengkap Aunur Rofiq Lil Firdaus itu.

Selain itu, resiko untuk mengerjakan film bertema religi di tengah maraknya film-film horor Indonesia yang membanjiri bioskop di Tanah Air, menurut Opick, terbilang cukup tinggi. "Pengalaman saya di film ini untuk pada saat ini ibarat pada saat saya dulu mengubah jalur musik dari rock ke religi. Saya dulu dibilangin banyak orang telah mengambil langkah yang nggak strategis," kenangnya.

"Saya hanya ingin mewujudkan apa-apa yang ada dalam keinginan saya, dan ternyata bisa kan! Walaupun agak babak belur," kata Opick seraya berkelakar.

Sementara, kata Didi, film drama romantika dari masyarakat pesisir yang bertutur tentang "hitam putih" kehidupan manusia itu merupakan terobosan menarik dari Opick, yang menurutnya berangkat dari latar belakang sebagai seorang penyanyi rock dan religi. "Ini terobosan menarik, karena kini kita tahu bahwa Opick punya kelebihan di beberapa tempat, selain nyanyi dia bisa bikin film secara baik," puji aktor senior itu.

"Karena orang banyak bikin (film) yang hanya `pesanan`. Tapi Opick saya rasa tidak (membuat film berdasarkan `pesanan`). Dia tuangkan dalam bentuk cerita, lalu dia wujudkan ke film. Ini menurut saya merupakan sikap yang menarik dalam dunia perfilman Indonesia," tambah Didi.

Menurut rencana, film produksi Bintang Pertiwi Production tersebut bakal dirilis pada 18 Maret 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Badai Matahari Diperkirakan 2012 Hingga 2015

Badai Matahari 2013 - Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan) memperkirakan puncak aktivitas matahari akan mencapai puncaknya antara 2012 hingga 2015. Pada puncak siklusnya, aktivitas matahari akan sangat tinggi dan terjadi flare atau badai matahari. Hal tersebut diungkapkan dalam sosialisasi pengaruh cuaca antariksa terhadap perubahan iklim di bumi yang digelar Lapan di Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Bali, Selasa (9/3).

Badai Matahari - Menurut peneliti dari Lapan, sejak dahulu matahari memiliki siklus dan tidak diam. Matahari mengalami ledakan-ledakan yang bisa sampai ke bumi. Bintang yang terdekat dengan bumi ini juga memiliki berbagai aktivitas seperti medan magnet, bintik matahari, flare atau ledakan matahari, lontaran massa korona, hingga partikel energetik.

Menurut Lapan, badai matahari tidak akan langsung menghancurkan peradaban di bumi. Namun bakal berpengaruh pada sistem teknologi seperti satelit dan komunikasi radio. Untuk itu, Lapan mengimbau masyarakat pengguna teknologi mulai mengantisipasi dampak buruk serangan badai matahari ke planet bumi.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Ron Banks is Dead

Ron Banks , whose sweet falsetto helped give the Dramatics its signature sound, was a Detroit native who was born May 10, 1951. Originally a vocal sextet known as the Dynamics in the early '60s, the group changed its name and became a quintet comprising Banks, William Howard, Larry Demps, Willie Ford and Elbert Wilkins.

Ron Banks Died - The Dramatics scored its first R&B-charting single (No. 43) in 1967 on the Sport label with "All Because of You." But it wasn't until four years later that the group broke into national consciousness with the 1971 Stax/Volt hit "Whatcha See Is Whatcha Get," which peaked at No. 3 on the R&B chart and No. 9 on the pop list. It claimed an R&B No. 1 the following year with "In the Rain."

Between 1972 and 1980, the Dramatics also recorded for ABC and MCA, notching seven more top 10 R&B singles. Those songs include a cover of "Me and Mrs. Jones," "You're Fooling You," "Be My Girl" and "Welcome Back Home."

Over the ensuing years, the Dramatics underwent several personnel changes, the most notable occurring in 1973 when L.J. Reynolds and Lenny Mayes replaced Howard and Wilkins in 1973.

Banks is survived by his wife, Sandy, and six children.

He's the fourth Dramatics member to pass away, following the deaths of Wilkins (1992), Howard (2000) and James Mack Brown (2008).

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Akiko Suzuki Olympics Figure Skating

Akiko Suzuki just proved that she is Japan’s pride in the Women’s Figure Skating. She’s back in action now that she entered her first Olympics in Vancouver 2010. At the age of 16, Akiko Suzuki’s promising career ended with the eating disorder anorexia. Suzuki had been one of the rising stars of Japanese women’s figure skating before that. We are glad that Akiko Suzuki is relishing every moment of her Olympic dream after years of struggling with anorexia. Akiko Suzuki made it to the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics alongside former world champion teammates Mao Asada, and Miki Ando.

Japan's Miki Ando is set for one final winter Olympics determined to put past disappointments behind her and emulate her idol Shizuka Arakawa.

Ando, the 2007 world champion, failed miserably in Turin four years ago as she struggled to stay on her feet, placing 15th as Arakawa surged to Japan's first Olympic figure-skating gold. The 2004 world junior champion can, however, take heart from the fact that the legendary Arakawa also had an up-and-down career before finally claiming the most coveted crown in figure skating.

It was the performance of Arakawa, six years her senior, at the 1998 Nagano Games that inspired Ando to take up the sport despite the later Olympic champion finishing just 13th. And again it was Arakawa who was instrumental in the young skater's decision not to retire after Turin.

Ando is now a more mature 22 and is coached in New Jersey by Nikolai Morozov, the man who guided Arakawa to the surprise gold. Since Turin, Ando has finished twice on the world podium, winning gold the following year and bronze at last year's world championships. Once known primarily for her jumps, including the first and only quad landed by a woman in competition at the 2002 Junior Grand Prix final, Ando has now become a more complete and fluid skater.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Woman's Guide to Healthy Fitness Stretching

Fitness For Women Fotos Video - Stretching is one of the easiest exercises a women can do to make her body strong and fit. Stretching benefits the body by making the muscles supple and thus resistant to the wear and tear of strain and tension. It is why many people begin start their exercise routines with simple stretching to warm the muscles in preparation for more strenuous exercises.

Fitness For Women - However, the problem with stretching is that most people commonly take it for granted. Despite it being an easy workout, stretching is not given much importance, especially by women. As a result, instead of benefitting from stretching, the result is more damage to one’s body including possible injuries.

How Can I Make Stretching Beneficial?

Stretching practices the muscle’s ability to expand and retract. When the muscle is stretched too far, injuries are likely to follow. A muscle tear can be very painful.

The following tips should be followed during stretching to make it safest and most beneficial.

1)Wear comfortable and loose clothing. Make sure that the garments worn will not hamper the body’s movement in any way.

2)Do stretching first thing in the morning. It is best to do when the sun is still not up or when the sun is barely on the horizon. A blow of fresh air and the warmth of the sun are beneficial factors during stretching.

3)Do stretching regularly. Routine will allow the body to get used to the exercise, thus enabling it to adjust well to changes exercising may bring.

4)Your muscles are not elastic rubber bands. Make sure to warm up first to avoid causing strain. As such, one should do simpler activities like a few minutes walking to warm up the leg muscles. On the other hand, when one is engaging in a very strenuous exercise routine, stretching is the best preparation. However, make sure to finish off your exercise with stretching to conclude the exercise routine.

5)Do not overdo it. This is most applicable for those who will embark on stretching for the first time or after a long layoff. One should listen to their body. When the body begins to ache or when it shows signs of fatigue, one must learn to stop to avoid further damage.

6)Moreover, a woman should do stretching in slightly increasing levels of intensity and difficulty. This is to give the body time to adjust to stretching patterns as well as to prevent injury by suddenly embarking in a heavy routine.

7)Do not do stretching after meals. This will not give you the most benefit because digestion will prevent you from fully executing your stretching routine. It is best to do it before breakfast. Avoid eating a great deal much after stretching.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Best Action Movie Ever

"The Terminator" is an true blockbuster classic; for me personally, it's the best action movie I've ever seen (to me, of course!). Although its sequel, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, is far superior technologically and visually, this first film in the franchise is by far the best of them all, and in no small part thanks to James Cameron's brilliant script and direction in which he creates a moody, atmospheric landscape within which a battle between man and machine is waged, and yet a love story about star-crossed lovers is the true heart of the movie. Arnold Schwarzenegger found his signature role, and some might say the only role he truly fits like a glove, a killer robot from the future with a deadly mission to kill Sarah Connor, the future mother of the human resistance leader against the machines in the future. Unlike other sci-fi films, which tend to border on the silly or amusing side, this is a film you can take absolutely seriously, even with Arnie in the lead, and is a thrilling ride from start to finish.

After being treated to a post-apocalyptic nightmare of the future in the film's opening prologue, the film begins with Arnie's arrival as the Terminator in LA. He arrives completely naked, a fact that some street punks find amusing until the Terminator kills them in order to take their clothes. From there, we're introduced to Sarah and her normal life, and then to Kyle Reese, a human sent back in time to help protect Sarah from the Terminator. All three eventually come together in one particularly tense sequence in a night club where the Terminator reveals himself to everyone, pulls out his gun and is just about to shoot Sarah when Reese intervenes and saves her.

By today's standards the visualisation of the Terminator on screen (at least in the end) looks a little old-fashioned and clunky but it's no less thrilling. We are treated to a number of full body shots at the end which are stop motion and stilted, but this doesn't detract from the thrills, especially when in one sequence where we think the Terminator has been destroyed, twice, and he still gets up again. There's a great scene in the documentary on the bonus disc where the composer, upon first seeing this scene, says, "if that things gets up one more time I swear I'll... &%$#!". It's very suspenseful and entertaining.

Linda Hamilton does an amicable job as the vulnerable Sarah Connor; she's the girl next door who finds herself in an extraordinary situation and has to learn to adapt to an entirely new life once the Terminator enters the picture. Michael Biehn plays Kyle Reese with an almost manic intensity, driven to protect Sarah Connor at all costs. Throughout the film we are slowly treated to a more human side to the character who comes to fall in love with Sarah and thus conceive the leader of the human resistance, John Connor. Biehn does an excellent job, more so because it falls on his shoulders to explain everything that's happening, something I'm sure he wouldn't have relished. But at the same time, it's to Cameron's credit that this exposition which would have been boring otherwise is always told in the middle of a tense action sequence, so it's never boring.

Perhaps what sets this film apart from most action films is that everything is driven by the drama of the story, something you don't often find. So when the Terminator is chasing our heroes in a spectacular car chase with gun going off and parts of the city getting destroyed, we can still feel the tension and the drama in the scene for the characters rather than being a spectacular technical feat which so often happens in so many action films. As a result, you're constantly wondering if they are going to be able to stay one step ahead of the unstoppable cyborg.

"The Terminator" is a truly awesome film; it might be a little dated now, but it's no less great than when it was first released.

Andi Soraya VS Bela Saphira Arisan Brondong

Film Arisan Brondong milik Bela Saphira, telah membuat nama bela Saphira kembali naik daun dalam blantika film kita ini. memang dunia perfilman kita telah menjadi salah satu film yang cukup menarik untuk kita lihat serta kita tonton. Bella Saphira dikabarkan bermusuhan dengan Andi Soraya setelah selesai syuting film Arisan Brondong. Memang diakui, dalam film tersebut ada adegan Bella dan Aya berkelahi. Benarkah adegan itu berlanjut jadi kenyataan?

Sinopsis Arisan Brondong - Bukan sekali ini saja Andi Soraya terlibat perseteruan dengan lawan main di film yang sama. Sebelumnya, wanita yang akrab disapa Aya ini juga berseteru dengan Dewi Persik dalam film Kutunggu Jandamu.

“Aku dengarnya malah dari kru kalau ada masalah. Di film ini aku sama Andi itu ceritanya musuh dari SMA sampai sudah punya anak. Sebenarnya enggak ada keributan dan enggak ada apa-apa,” papar Bella Saphira ditemui usai rilis Arisan Brondong, di FX Senayan, Jakarta Selatan, Senin (15/2/2010).

Pemilik nama lengkap Bella Saphira Veronica Simanjuntak ini menceritakan, waktu itu sudah take selama tiga hari. Sementara dirinya dalam kondisi lelah.

“Terus aku minta kamar sendiri. Karena dari dulu aku memang enggak mau satu kamar sama orang yang merokok,” ujarnya.

Bella menambahkan, ada adegan saat dia memuntahkan permen karet ke Andi Soraya. Adegan dilanjutkan dengan perang mulut yang sebenarnya hanya sebatas adegan saja.

“Adegan film ini 70 persen memang hasil improv aku,” tegasnya.

Menurut cewek kelahiran 36 tahun lalu ini, adegan itu tidak boleh terbawa sampai keluar lokasi syuting. Setelah selesai syuting, Bella memang tidak terpikir akan berlanjut.

“Aku enggan sempat tanya dan enggak kepikiran tanya sama Aya, ada masalah apa,” tandasnya.

Namun saat disinggung kalau keributan mereka karena berebut peran utama, Bella terlihat jadi bingung. “Masak sih?” ungkapnya.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Comparing Bad Credit Credit Cards

When your past credit history has been less than perfect and you are ready to begin rebuilding a new credit rating, it is always a good idea to get a revolving line of credit on a charge card and begin to show good responsible payment behavior with the new account. The companies that offer bad credit credit cards will vary in what they will include so it is always important to read all of the fine print that the card has to see their terms and conditions. There could be several things you uncover buried in the contract terms that were not immediately obvious at first.

Look carefully to see if there are extra fees or hidden charges that were not in the bold print such as annual fee or late charges. Also check to be certain that this new account you are opening will be reporting regularly to the three major credit bureaus since you want your new payment history to be of help to you in rebuilding your good credit score. Some of the bad credit credit cards do not report and if that is the case your responsible payments will not contribute to raising your credit rating in the future.

The new bad credit credit cards are easy to qualify for, that is part of the reason they exist so it is worth it for you to shop the various choices you have so that you are not paying out too much in fees or other miscellaneous charges.

One more thing to find out before you choose your provider is whether this card can be changed to a non secured credit card after your rating has improved. Some companies may not offer non secured cards or the option to upgrade when the time is right for you. This would mean you would have to open a different account and not keep the good history you have built with this initial card.

It is a very helpful thing to have the bad credit credit cards available to give those of us with a bad credit history the chance to begin anew and show we can handle the responsibility of the new credit account.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Modern Designer Cool Unique Contemporary Floor Lamps

Select from the cool designer and unique collection of contemporary floor lamps at Spacify to impart a unique style to your home décor. You can put these floor lights in your living room or bedroom to add an artistic modern touch to the area. You will find our collection of modern floor lamps simple yet exhibiting an unmatched beauty that will make even a neglected corner in your home sparkle with true class and sophistication. From black modern to unique wood, Spacify offers cool modern and best floor lamps and lighting.

If you are thinking about updating the look of a room in your home consider the addition of a contemporary floor lamp. There are several types of floor lamps designed to provide decorative and task lighting to your home and any room is fair game for adding a lamp. Matching contemporary floor lamps to modern Home decor gives way to many light choices. From torchieres that provide wonderful uplighting to lampshades that cast useful light downward, the choices are endless.

In addition to a regular bulb these lamps come with soft halogen lighting which illuminates the bubbling water within the base. There are colored gel filters available that can be placed within the base that change the color of the bubbling water to suit your mood and to match your interior decor and furniture. These items are very nice to stare at and after awhile the flow of bubbles is mesmerizing and can facilitate daydreaming, contemplation and relaxation.

Lamps are often an overlooked element of the overall design of the room. A traditionally shaded floor lamp provides a subtle touch of beauty and is a wonderful accent to the upholstery of bedroom and living room furniture. Tall floor lamps are a great addition behind a couch or chair as they help extend the room up and visually connect lower furniture to higher decor features such as ceiling moldings, trimmings and wall art. Fine Art Lamps offers a wide selection of world renowned floor lamp designs.

This floor lamps features a fully-adjustable, articulated arm body structure in extruded, brilliant, natural anodized aluminum. Joints, tension control knobs and mountings are polished die-cast aluminum, and cables are stainless steel. The diffuser is available in a choice of sizes in parchment paper or in a palge grey stain and polycarbonate fiber blend.

Bring home lighting that not only fits in with but enhances your home decor. The Scala Arc Lamp will add a modern touch to any space with its slender curves, smooth finish and interesting shade.